This testimony came into my messages recently, although what you read took place probably 10 years ago…. I meet Jessica at her parents’ church in Jordan, Minnesota. You can read her own story, but she’d been prayed for countless times for healing of extremely severe scoliosis (curvature of the spine). She was – then – about to get married: doctors had said that her spine was worsening almost daily, and it would be impossible to have children. As the first to come forward for prayer that morning, I saw the pastors (I didn’t know at that time that Jessica was their daughter) in tears at the front.
As always, I asked her name, and what could I pray for: as I put my hand on her spine, we both felt it moving considerably: Jessica was laughing and shouting, the pastor’s weeping…. they told me later that she was their daughter, and that, because she’d been prayed for so many times before, by people who’d told her all sorts of reasons why she was/wasn’t healed, she’d been determined NEVER to get prayed for again. So they wept as they saw her walk forward….
That same morning, a man who, 15 years earlier, had shot a commercial building nail gun nail through his kneecap, and been crippled since then: he was totally healed that morning….but here’s Jessica’s story:
Hello Paul,
Of coarse I remember you! That was a very life changing day for me, I’m sorry that I never e-mailed the testimony of my experience to you, I really did mean to, and my Mom asked me to atleast 100 times. I can be a fairly private and shy person, (sometimes) and it was just a hard thing for me to talk about. Weird huh? One of the most amazing things that will ever happen to me, something most people will never be able to experience. I felt God’s presence enter my body and straighten my back, and I had a hard time talking about it for some reason. Not that I was ashamed, just shy, or I don’t really know!
Well, I am going to get to the point of this rambling message now when you posted on my Dad’s wall tonight I couldn’t help but think that maybe there was a bigger reason I never sent you an email so long ago, that maybe God had bigger plans for my experience. So if you don’t mind I would like to share it with you now
A year and a half ago I had a baby girl (our third child, we also have 2 boys) Clarabelle was born very sick, but we didn’t find out until she was 10 days old, I realized something was wrong and took her to the ER.
To make a very long story short…she was born with one kidney that was working overtime, and the tube that flushes urine out expanded and it started going back into her kidney causing an infection, which spread to her urine, kidney, and blood, and hours away from spreading to her spinal fluid, which would have caused severe brain damage. She spent 4 days in intensive care while nurses worked round the clock to keep her alive. The first 24 hours were the worst of my life. It wasn’t until we got home from the hospital that the magnitude of what had happened started to hit me. It crashed down on me in waves. I had a very trying year following her birth.
I’m sure you are wondering what my being healed has to do with my daughter’s sickness, well it’s my faith. It was tested and stretched farther than I would have ever imagined. and I would have turned my back on God, I would have walked away. I was so angry and upset so many times that I was ready to be done. Even though my daughter recovered fully and is a happy healthy girl, I just couldn’t live with the fact that I almost lost a child, and that God almost let it happen.
But I kept going back to that moment when I felt my back straighten, and the overwhelming feeling of awe I felt knowing that a miracle had just happened to me, that God had chosen to heal me.
even though I was still angry, hurt and confused, I couldn’t deny the realness of God. So I couldn’t deny him. and once I started to lean on him again, he started to show me how another miracle had happened with my daughter. He could have healed her instantly, and that is what I was praying for around the clock in that hospital. I prayed for healing, but I wanted it then and there! But I see now how he used the Dr. and Nurses and medications for healing. his hand was in it every step of the way, so many amazing little miracles took place in that hospital, one of the biggest ones being that my daughter experienced no side effects from the strong anti biotics she was put on. One of them should have caused her to go deaf, that was one of options I was given in the hospital, have a deaf child or a dead child. But when she was 3 months old she had a hearing test and her hearing was above average.
I’m sorry for the big long ramble, but I just felt like now might be a good time to let you know how thankful I am that you came to our little church that day. God used you in such a way that altered the coarse of my life. It saved me, when I doubted that God was real, when I was ready to be done with him, the memory of that day would slide front and center into my mind. And I am so thankful that you decided to follow the path that God laid out for you. Thank you again
God Bless!
Jessica W.