These folk drove many hours to come and be prayed for… this is their story after we’d spent time together….. when we first met, Dennis was permanently connected to a ‘wheeled’ oxygen tank, with the mask on most of the time, and couldn’t walk more than two steps even WITH themask before having to stop…. each word in his sentences was with a big ‘breathing’ pause, and, knowing this, it makes what Janice has written even more remarkable.
HI Paul,
Bless you I just have to let you know the latest after our visit to you on Tuesday after noon at Rob and Shays house .That night after your prayer for my left hand and wrist that was broken and didn,t heal properly }I awoke feeling like my fingers were straight. thanked god and went back to sleep the feeling was incredible next morning my hand looked like no change, until this afternoon ,I found the first finger on my left hand was absolutely straight.I am lost for words to express how i feel ,and husband Dennis is also feeling changes that he cant put into words .
But i have noticed him using his oxygen machine less during the day , although it has’not been as hot in the mornings and he can go outside he has even given some help to our son inlaw fixing a gate without the machine.also picked up his own tools in his shed to do a little job.It is also strange that staying at Leeanne our daughters house after seeing you Dennis machine has an alarm that lets us know if he is not breathing or over breathing,he never hears it but i do, and it kept me awake for hours . because i didnt get up to see why it kept alarming we found next morning the lead to the power had come out of the machine and the batteries had gone flat , so he was without oxygen for about 3or4 hours sleeping away none the wiser ,so that ment he had another 3 hrs for the battery to recharge. before he could use it again to go home . We both look forward to you returning to meet up again, we both thank God for you,
God bless
Janice & Dennis