A diverse day in terms of locations: Benny in the south at Walter’s church, Lee & Katie in a ‘township’ high up a mountainside, Chris at Wilmar’s church, and me up north with my friend Francisco’s church. The end products were diverse in terms of what God did at each, too, though the end product was, it seems, immense blessing at all of the places. I love that God is so diverse in his blessing of people!
Here in Cali, over the years, I’ve got used to a number of major ‘artery’ roads being half closed every Sunday morning, for what is called ‘Cyclovia’ – free of all traffic so that cyclists (who take their lives in their hands on the road here any other time of the week!) and walkers/runners, etc., can exercise. So…Francisco used the opportunity to set up a drinks table, with free juices and water for those who mysteriously want to exercise, and the big ‘Healing’ (Sanidad, here, actually!) banner up. We kicked off with a brief time in his church, and a number of people wanted prayer. A lady with a severe migraine was healed: I wondered, having prayed for a good few people here this couple of weeks IN CHURCH with migraines, if they get healed because, instead of thinking, ‘I have a migraine, I’ll stay at home in bed’, they think, ‘I have a migraine, so I must go to church to get it prayed for…. answers in large capitals on the back of a postage stamp please…
Another lady was healed, and flat on the floor for a time, and then Camilo, whose story I put in a blog of it’s own….then out onto the ‘highway’ for healing on the streets. Francsisco was longing to see people healed in his church and neighbourhood, and boy, did God honour the desire of HIS heart this morning. Everyone – perhaps 30? certainly 20+ – who stopped by on the street was healed, including intense pain, breathing difficulties, depression….so, so exciting. One lady, with her husband, was massively touched by God and all pain – throughout her body, especially neck and hands – was healed.God is so gracious and full of blessing!
This afternoon (well, Chris didn’t get back from his morning meeting until 4.30pm!) we got to go up to the amazing statue that overlooks Cali, very similar to, but slightly smaller than, the one in Rio de Janeiro. Here, Jesus is ‘Cristo Rey’ (Christ the King). It’s a massive statue, and it genuinely does seem to bring the presence of God to the top of that mountain. Jesus overlooks Cali: he’s been here 60 years! The top of the next chain in the Andean mountain range has three crosses on it. Perhaps God genuinely does look over this amazing, wonderful city….this is what he sees (without me in the way!):