Sad….because it was REALLY tough to say goodbye this morning to Lee & Katie, and, as I write, they are probably heading towards the coast of Africa en route to Madrid on their way home. They have been fantastic: friends, flat-mates, ministers. Sometimes, when you have a bunch of single guys, to ‘accommodate’ a married couple can be awkward. With Lee & Katie, it was a real blessing. Fun, Spirit-filled, moving powerfully in the Holy Spirit, and a computer genius (Lee that is!). Katie was a wonderful in many, many ways, not least for the fact that her skill and knowledge as a Doctor have made my knees so, so much better this week. Safe journey home guys, hope work goes well Wednesday! Lee’s on a 12.5 hour shift from 9am Wednesday!
Great time this morning with Don Jaime, Lucy, and Alba Lopez Velasco. Don Jaime & Lucy introduced me 18 months ago to Anabeiba, for which I’m very grateful: and we now want to help her ‘structure’ her foundation using The Velasco’s brilliant business brains, and with a lawyer friend of theirs, to deal with paperwork. They are a terrific family.
This afternoon, a quick trip to the ‘artesenias’ shop (craft shop) run by my pan-pipe professional friend Polo, in Loma de la Cruz. Polo’s become a friend of many years of taking people there, but there was a sadness in his eyes today that I think was related to his family. His mum and sister run the shop, and they always ask me to pray for them….just likethe staff in Tesco’s (not!!).
This evening, the long drive north to Barrio Metropolitano again. At first, it looked like there’d only be a couple of people, but pretty soon the place was packed to the ‘cage’ doors! A wonderful evening of ministry, Chris is prophetic overdrive as we prayed for most of 30-40 people there. Pedro, father in law of the pastor, Francisco, was instantly healed on long-time neck pain (he had very little sideways movement either way but did after prayer), two massive hernias, which he said felt ‘very hot’, glaucoma, and 9/10 of his right hand, and the tops of all the fingers on his left hand, missing…. looking forward to seeing him next time, just feel that God’s going to do a miracle there… I got Pedro to pray with me, after that, for everyone else: he loved it, was in tears, and was blessed and a blessing.
A wonderful ‘older’ lady, 85, a pastor of 45 years, Fanny, had a fissure in her spine, open almost an inch, extreme pain: her back went ‘hot’ then the pain went, totally – first time in donkey’s years. Her back appeared to straighten, too, as she asked for healing from an ‘s’ shaped scoliosis. She was almost beside herself with delight. She’s got a good few years left to minister, yet…
A young lad, Johan, a neighbour of the church who’d never been to the church before, just KNEW he’d been healed of haemophilia: how he’d know, I don’t know, but I guess proof will come when he cuts himself!
Names are already fading from my mind, but these were amongst the things God healed tonight: two sets of knees(!), osteoporosis and contracted upper arm muscles, two bladder disorders, sinusitis, shoulder (rotator) pain, at least three migraine headaches (in pain there and then – see yesterday’s blog about my comments there!), circulation disorders that – at the time – were causing issues in feet and fingers, and much, much more.
Then followed the most amazingly quick, and rather hair-raising, drive home, with my good mate Edwin, who’d translated for us. Benny went out tonight to a football match with Walter, so it was sad he missed such a miracle-packed evening.