….always with a degree of sadness, wishing as usual there were a few more days left to be here, but also with the same desire to be home – though not looking forward to that particular process! Benny left yesterday, Chris went this morning, and I leave the apartment here about 5 pm, to fly – blessedly! – not via Bogota, but direct from Cali to Madrid – still 12 hours non-stop, a long time in one position, but without the need for changing terminals in Bogota. I don’t arrive in London until after the last flight to Belfast has departed, so it’s a few hours sleep in Surrey, then back to Heathrow at 5 am Saturday, indoors by abot 10 am….
What an amazing trip it has been! Everyone who came saw, prayerd for, witnessed salvation, miracles, healings: a handful of people receiving some deep inner healing too, freedom from rejection, persecution, fear. People who couldn’t walk – walking: people under terminal prognoses – healed… what more can you want?
Our last night here didn’t quite work out as we’d planned: Chris and I ended up chilling out at the love French bar over the road, with the customary plate of chips, and a beer (non-alcoholic, of course – but with strengthened, deepened relationships with people like Wilmar Gomez, William Castano, Oskar Munoz, Francisco, Edwin, Fernando Sanchez…. for the next visit, October/November, much of the itinerary will be put together by wonderful and highly regarded/respected friend Pastor William Castano. I’m looking forward to working closer with him.
Thank you all for your prayers: they’ve been answered, and then some. Journeying safety for Chris – in the air for the longhaul in a few hours, and for me – tonight, 1015 pm Colombia time (4.15 am UK time), when my longhaul begins – is coveted in your praying. Thank you for ‘being’ with us.