It seems a long time ago that I finished packing in Cali, and then taken to the airport by my lovely friends Wilmar, Marlene, and their two wonderful girls! Bless them, they stayed with me until I needed to go through immigration and customs: but the plane was delayed an hour, which made the connection in Madrid a bit ‘suspect’. Fortunately, I made it, especially grateful to Katie, the doctor, who’d ‘done’ my knees for me a week before. By the time I arrived in London, though, I knew from when I booked the ticket that I wouldn’t make it on to the last flight to Belfast last night, so, it was back to the airport at 4.45am this morning, and now – home, to the joys of unpacking, laundry, mail, three days of unanswered/unchecked emails, but loads of sport of TV over the weekend, and a comfortable chair will make it more than a blessing to be here!
Again, thank you for your prayers over these past 2-3 weeks. I plan to write a ‘report’ on the trip as this new website makes it enjoyable to do just that: it was an amazing trip, part of me wishes I was still in Cali, part of me very glad to be home. When the alarm went off at 4 am this morning, I made a mental note NOT to set it tonight, and just….relax! All the others are home safe and well, so now to begin the wind down process, and generate some energy for the next trip!