So many amazing things happened in Cali, as you know, if you read here regularly: and what was ‘reported’ was only a small percentage of everything that happened. Certainly, all five of us – Benny, Chris, Lee, Katie, and me, saw people saved – still the greatest miracle of all. All of us saw people healed – from ‘gripa’ (lovely word that for a ‘cold’!) to cancer, from bacterial brain diseases to plantar fasciitis, chronic arthritis to acute scoliosis, from paralysis to holes in the body (that shouldn’t be there 😉 ) being healed…
Many people with heart problems, an astonishing proportion of people with digestive/stomach/waste issues, from allergies to acid re-flux to colitis to ulcers to i.b.s, to – well, you name it… Lee and Chris particularly had a large number of ‘stomach related’ ailments. Then they get home: and are both pretty ill, with – you guessed it – stomach issues. Lee seems to have been for the longest time, but Chris’s was the’violent’! Please pray for them: and Katie, that God would contend with those who content with him.
Before I left for Colombia, I’d received in the mail one of the ‘do-it-yourself’ bowel cancer check kits. Fascinating…! I’m sure when A. A. Milne wrote ‘Winnie the Pooh’, he had no idea what one day ‘pooh sticks’ would actually be for…. :). When I arrived home, I had a letter from the health authority with yet ANOTHER testing kit, a different one, as they’d…hmmm… seen blood in the first one. My history would be – panic! I just looked at it: and honestly, I’m not blasé about illness, being only too aware that, as someone whose passion is to pray for the sick, I’m a pretty large target for the enemy where sickness is concerned. So I sort of laughed as I played ‘pooh sticks’ once again: sent it off yesterday. I’m genuinely not in faith to get cancer, much preferring to God heal people of it. But then I wasn’t ‘in faith’ to get arthritis, and got it to some degree, in my knees (they’re getting better and they’re doing ok, bearing in mind I hammered them for 3 weeks!).
Wednesday, I had a sort of ‘health service service’ – visit to a cardiologist (there’s a long history of blood disorders in my family)… normally, specialists at out-patients can be pretty unfriendly and ‘clinical’. This lady wasn’t: she was great, she’d lived in New Zealand, France, Australia: I told her I’d just come back from Colombia, and she was asking me all I knew about Latin America! Then told me…nothing to worry about, but you’ve a ‘mild-moderate’ arterial stenosis’. I’m told that’s a very slight narrowing of the aorta from – er – one of the ventricles! The words vaguely mean something, but in the old days, I did what was then known at school as ‘General Science’ -pass grades at ‘O’ level were 1-6, fail 7-9. I got a 9 :). So Lord, please heal Chris, Lee, and me, in the Name of Jesus! Can’t be too serious, the nice doctor just wants to see me again in a year, perhaps this time to talk about India and Africa…!!!
Interesting quote, apparently accredited to Pope Francis: ‘Only the Catholic Church is capable of interpreting the Bible’. Seeing the mess its in, perhaps ‘capable’ isn’t the best word…!
I’m glad you didn’t try to create a featured image for this post..!