I mentioned in a blog last week that, following hard on the heels of such an amazing trip to Cali, Colombia, Chris, Lee, and I were hit by various ailments/threats of worse! They had violent ‘loo’ issues, both ends, Lee is left wondering if he has a stomach ulcer. Please would you pray that this ISN’T the case, please? He’s in a demanding job, working as the on-call Neonatologist (interesting, the word check for that comes up as ‘escapologist’ or ‘Kremlinologist’! always thought there was something different about you, Lee!!) in the Emergency Section of a large hospital, pretty much on 12 hour shifts….he could well do WITHOUT an ulcer…
Chris seems ok! Phew!
For me, you might remember I’d done one of the ‘do-it-yourself- bowel cancer screening tests – arrived home to another one – and then a letter within 48 hours saying that one gave rise for concern…called the freephone number, thinking the appointment would be weeks away (normally would be in England, I’m still getting used to Northern Ireland being VERY different!): it was arranged, last Thursday, for this coming Tuesday, 9 am. Of course, I’ll go: I don’t want to be irresponsible, as I’ve known people, dear friends, have bowel cancer, but I’d value your prayers that it IS nothing more than, perhaps, having taken fairly strong pain-killers for my knees for a long time now (some heavy duty pain killers can give pretty bad ‘stomach/intestine related side effects). I’m anticipating that I’ll probably have to have an endoscopy: guess there’s a first time for everything!
Then Wednesday, I’m in to see an Orthopaedic specialist about the aforementioned knees….my GP reckons ‘urgent invasive surgery’ is necessary. I’ve seen too many sets of knees healed, replaced supernaturally, restored – to believe for that, but – I should get them scanned, and I’ll at least know where to target the praying! I’d prefer the doc to do something about my bunions! I’m trying to think if you’d like a picture of my bunions, but I’m guessing not, right??!!
And, of course, there’s the ‘threat’ of aortic stenosis. No, I didn’t google it either!
Being a complete and utter believer that ‘God heals ALL of our sickness and disease’ (read God’s Social Security manifesto in Psalm 103, if you’d prefer HIS welfare system to the world’s!), I do believe that as my ‘profile’ (can’t think of a different word!) – maybe my ‘passion’ – is for healing, then I guess I paint a huge ‘bulls-eye’ on my chest and say, ‘Satan, hit that!’ – truth is, apart from my knees, if anyone says to me, ‘How are you?’, my answer is, ‘I’m feeling great!’
Just value your prayers, though, perhaps more that the enemy won’t even begin to get a sight of any sort of victory, and that Jesus will do everything that He and His Dad have promised….