Over the past couple of days, I’ve mentioned the amazing book ‘From the Father’s Heart’, by American Prophetic Psalmist Charles Slagle. I frequently pick this amazing book up and just let it open: and, as so often happens when you do that with the Bible, it opens on a page that is totally relevant to me!
Today I read this – the title is the title of the blog, and it’s based on 1 Peter 2:20-23
Broken One,
I have not betrayed you. Mortals have, I know. But may I share a secret with you? At this very moment – even now – you hold great power, either of life or death, sorrow or loss in your hands. I AM not often angry, yet otday I AM for the pain they willfully caused you.
Thank you for allowing me to defend your interests! I AM happy you asked me to do so. Yes, vengeance is Mine! I will repay. So what would you have Me to do? Search your heart, and do consider it very carefully, for what is done cannot be undone, little one….
Shall I judge them strictly by the ways they have dealt with you? Or shall I consider all preceding factors – their shattered hopes, their inner struggles – even as I have done for you? And what if they repent? You decide. I await your answer patiently, sorrowfully, and with deepest compassion.

P.S. Remember, mercy triumphs over judgment!
Over the last few years, you’ll have known of my saga with the United States: every time it seems to be coming to a conclusion, something else happens… ! AT LAST, my shipment has arrive at a shipping/storage facility, in Bangor! Thank you Lord!! It’s been a mighty long battle to have something so simple to be concluded. Over recent days, as I’ve become more and more aware that the crook in the States who caused all the problems, and the people I once knew, are not going to take any responsibility for the cost, the stress, the frustration…. (the storage cost, because of said folk, was around £10,000/US$16,000, on top of what I’d already paid to ship it, supposedly, from ‘door to door – £2,600/US$3950). Over the last few days, God’s been so gracious to me with the peace he’s given to me, and, a few nights back (who knows that it’s whenever your head hits the pillow, that’s when all the thoughts/stresses/anger of any given situation, flood your mind?!), I made a decision that there was no point in pursuing these sad, sad people, who have found it so easy to do what Charles put in the heading of his ‘letter’ – betrayed, abandoned, let down, defrauded… and that what Charles wrote from Scripture about vengeance, and in the ‘P.S’, was a much better way of dealing with it….
So, the last few nights I’ve slept well – despite hearing last night from the Estate Agent/Realtor that the house in Virginia, owned by my two lovely friends here in the UK, is now infested by termites… if you’ve followed my story over the past few years, you’ll know that, due to negligence (and people staying in what I’d called ‘home’ without my knowledge), the house had flooded. Seriously flooded. 17,000 gallons of water, for 6 weeks, in temperatures that ranged from around 33C-40C! Interesting amount of damage, I’m sure you can visualise. Of course, termites generally ‘infest’ damp places, so, it seems that over the 3 years since the flood (it was about July ’10), the negligence has continued. BUT, there’s nothing I could do: and still nothing I can do. After a few moments of ‘ire’ last night, I just asked God to take the whole saga, at least from my mind, and look after it – defend my interests, as Charles would say….
Hopefully, despite the infestation(!), the house could/should finally sell on 29 July: and, with my stuff in the UK now, I can walk away from the Virginia saga, and let God deal with the fall-out, on my behalf. Peace is a lovely blessing from from /God, ain’t it??!
I can’t recommend this book highly enough – or, the trilogy of Charles’ three books in one volume, ‘Abba Calling’ – which is a ‘through the year letter-a-day book…. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Abba-Calling-HB-Slagle-Charles/dp/0768441374/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1373978057&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=charles+slagle)
Thank you, all of you who have prayed for me over the shipping saga! And helped me financially. I’ve had people say, ‘just ditch it’: that wasn’t really an option, as I’d already ‘ditched’ about 80% of the stuff I had in the States, and this was personal stuff, things of emotional/sentimental value, oh… and my reclining chair!