But not without its trials! Alan & Barbara ended up with a delayed flight from Bogota to Cali, and, seeing as they weren’t due to land until 11.50 pm last night anyway, a delay then is an absolute delight (not!)! I’d got here earlier, and bless him, the wonderful Pastor Wilmar didn’t ‘make’ me sit in the airport until Alan & Barbara arrived (a good thing too, with their delay), but brought me back to the apartment…. the old left knee took a real hammering, not so much with the walking, but though Avianca, the Colombian airline, are very, very good, to pack more people into each plane they have narrowed the aisles…
…and the seats! So, I ended up in my sardine space, with an unbelievably fidgety woman next to me, I was on the aisle seat, but for some reason, she seemed to think it was acceptable to lean into my seat, rather than her husband’s next to her: and he spent much of the flight pushing her further over by trying to lay down with his head on her lap… I had nowhere to go in the aisle area, so everyone who went past me, bumped my arm/shoulder/head… plus a kid behind who seemed to think that kicking my head rest was a good thing to do….and as I had no room, my left leg occasionally found its way, stretched out straight, slightly in the aisle…
…which would have been fine, had one of the crew, ‘driving’ the drinks cart, not caught my foot, pushing it backwards and sideways up into my body…. I could have screamed! Wasn’t her fault, of course…but the next 9 hours were incredibly uncomfortable! For all who think this travelling ‘ministry’ is fantastic, I’d have swapped places with you – and so would Alan & Barbara, yesterday!!
I TRIED to stay awake for A&B, but by 1.45am, I had to admit defeat, which turned out, this morning, to have been the best plan, as they got to the apartment after 3 am!! So we’re all a bit knackered today, I think, in my sleep, I must have prayed hard over my knee (amazing what unconscious prayer can achieve!!), as it’s really not as bad as I feared at bedtime last night.
So, we’re taking it easy today, and the trip will kick off over the weekend…. your prayers will be welcomed!

So pleased for you all to be there, and will be praying that you, Alan and Barbara will have an amazing time there
Bless ya mate, miss you here! It’s not the same without you….