Wow…. A night of miracles again! I was blown away by what God did tonight, so many people healed, some pretty hefty things, too. I was in a church in a barrio, Cristobal Colon, the church ‘New Vision Phildalephia’ (Nuevo Vision Filadelphia), pastored by an amazing lady, Fanny, aged 85, and – seriously – no more than about 4 feet 3 inches tall! It’s nice to feel tall, sometimes, an unusual experience for me.
It’s not always easy when you’ve only met the translator (literally) 30 seconds before the meeting, and all you’ve said is ‘Hello, where are you from?’! God showed that none of the fears of how translation might work out, actually matters, as I reckon – and so did the translator, Maria-genia – I prayed for all 40-50 or so in the meeting. The forst up was a lady, Nina, with chronic pain in her stomach and colon, undiagnoseable by doctors, she said. All the pain went, instantly. She was in the car that brought me home, and still praising god for her healing.
A guy, Haider (guessing at the spelling!), had a seriously calcified right ankle and sole of his foot, in great pain 24/7 – all the pain went, which means, I reckon, that the calcification had been reversed (that’s what I prayed, anyway!). He walked, stood, walked again, for a good 15 minutes after receiving prayer, and still no pain. A young lady, with a pretty hefty bend in her spine, great pain across her shoulders and back, was healed (told her to try to get scanned as soon as possible). Another, in the middle of a migraine (how many in the western world churches would GO to church with a migraine, I asked myself?) – healed instantly.
A lady with massively reduced vision – she couldn’t read anything, particularly distressed that she couldn’t read her Bible, read instantly a number of verse (from Ecclesiastes, too!) in Maria-genia’s Bible. A lady with inoperable cataracts on both eyes, less than 40% vision, and next to no hearing in her right ear, saw and heard perfectly….
A lady with wrecked knees (here we go again! – the Pastor, too!!) and the horrible ‘sciatic’ type dragging pain down her right thigh, had all her pain go, and her knees with no pain at all (mine were killing me by now!!!). The pastor, arthritic from head to foot, and a fall that had fractured her spine a year ago (I guess as she’s 85 the medics probably think it’s not worth doing surgery) – her hands, obviously and seriously arthritic, and the middle finger of her left hand with that strange ‘ligament lock’ that I’ve seen quite often – the finger doesn’t straighten if she’d closed her hand and re-opened it – was healed, all hand pain, back pain gone….
Hernando, who lives on the streets, heard me speaking as he went past, and came in, and found faith in Jesus. He had a Bible, so doubtless a backslidden Christian. I can’t remember any more names, if I do, It’ll give me more to say tomorrow!
More ears opened, virtually everyone prayed for was healed, one of those nights, like I said in the earlier blog, where I’d happily have stayed home – or gone to Wilmar and Marlene’s for a meal, like Alan & Barbara did – and then God turns up BIG TIME.
I’m so, so blessed to be doing what I do: even the knee pain now is worth it for what God did tonight, and it still – even after 30 years – blows me away, every single time.
So, 10 30 pm now, relatively early home from church, but A&B have gone to bed as they’re up at 3.30 am to begin the long haul home: I’ll be up to say goodbye to them, it’s going to be so strange without them. It’s been fantastic being here with them, they’re such a great couple, and I’ll miss them – until Wednesday, at least, when Alan’s picking me up at the airport!
A reasonably early church service for me tomorrow, I’ve no idea where, at 9 a.m., so maybe, just maybe, I’ll be home by 1 pm! Then I’ve got a pastor and his wife coming to pick my brains…that shouldn’t take long then!!