Just a quick post to say that this coming Saturday afternoon, evening, and Sunday morning, I’m with Fresh Springs Church, Seaford, East Sussex, they meet at the Clinton Centre, Clinton Place, Seaford, BN25 1AU. All the meetings are open, but of course I wouldn’t want to encourage you away from your own church meetings over that weekend! It’s the first time I’ve ever spoken in Seaford: so a new experience, but when my dad and mum moved down to Sussex from London, in 1958, we rented a house there temporarily whilst the one dad and mum bought was being built, and even then, from where we moved to (East Dean), it was where I went to junior school. I’m believing that the experience this weekend will be better than my extremely un-fond memories of junior school ,and the psychotic woman head teacher, who hated left handed people!
It was my ‘misfortune’ (then) to be left handed – I still am, of course, despite her attempts to ‘communistically’ re-educate me by caning me four times a day for the last four years of school, on my left hand of course! The school disappeared off the planet many moons ago (as did she – I like to say, sadly, but it wouldn’t be true!!), and I’m really looking forward to going there and seeing God do some miracles, healings, and bless people….
I do have happier memories of the sweet shop that used to be opposite the school, though – I still live with the waistline to prove it! If you can come, especially Saturday, it’ll be great to see you!