Last night was a really great time, with a good number of people here in Orebro. Ingalill led the worship beautifully, such a lovely ‘platform’ to speak from, and I felt a wonderful freedom when my time came, with great friend Erik Wahlberg translating. Here’s what Ingalill put on her Facebook page about last night, and then about tonight:
- SÅ tacksam för denna kvällen!! So thankful for this evening
- We had a wonderful meeting yesterday and God touched many people’s lives and hearts. Tonight we continue at 19. Praise led by wonderful Rut Yismaw Ambaye
A lot of what happened for people last night wasn’t ‘explosive’ miracles, but a really gentle moving of the Holy Spirit, deep, into many emotional and spiritual areas of their lives. A few people had significant reductions in pain – if that doesn’t sound much to you, then maybe you’ve never been in extreme pain! – and some folk that I believe we’ll know, if not tonight, at least tomorrow, that they’re healed, including two Class 1 diabetics, interestingly a number of people with major issues of sleeplessness, and some with totally undiagnosable problems – they’re the sort it seems to me that God will heal simply because doctors have no idea!
So, beginning to get ready for the second Kingdom connection tonight – and even more of God’s presence, though he was very much in evidence last night!