A fantastic meeting last night here in Borås…. for me, I just love some of the words in Sweden – and in Scandinavia – the church last night in Pingskyrkan (Pentecostal church): a lovely, lovely pastor, Urban, a man with a lovely heart, a very ‘sweet’ spirit, and a big vision. For a meeting that began at 6 pm, a really good number there, too.
And a great worship leader, Lars: so a super ‘platform’ to talk about the testimony of Jesus. A good 20-25 people came forward for prayer, and the ministry time was around 3 hours! But wow, what God did in those hours was wonderful.
Again, I don’t remember all the names, but two people, one a lady, the other a man, both with VERY poor hearing quality in the left ears – almost deaf – heard. A lady, Irma, in chronic back pain, and so obviously struggling to breathe with the tar in her lungs from a (previous!) life of smoking – God just blitzed her. She had to wear a back support corset because of the pain, with five displaced discs in her spine. As we sat together, she felt her back systematically clicking all the way down her spine: her eyes just reflected astonishment! The pain level, which radically affected her walking, too, just went down, and down…. she then started to inhale much larger mouthfuls of air as I asked the Holy Spirit to breathe in through her nostrils, right down through her respiratory system, and into those clogged lungs. She got up, and walked all around the church, breathing normally (impossible before), and her life was transformed by the amazing power of God….
A lovely couple, Mattias and Lena came and sat down, in total distress. Lena is 45, and is on a cancer ‘death sentence’ – not imminent, but a couple of years or so. She and Mattias have two adopted daughters, aged about 10 if my memory serves me well, and the cancer was in her lungs, and all around the outside of her lungs. As always, I broke the spirit of death off of their lives, Lena in particular, and cursed the cancer…. amid many tears, she, too began to breathe easier…. her desperation for her daughters and husband was understandable, and God just touched them both with peace, and promises through prophetic words, as her breathing improved.
Bjorn, a wonderful brother – one of those men you instantly love! – 74, and 2 years diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I learned from Maria (where I’m staying – she was translating, though Bjorn spoke enough English for me to understand) that he is one of this city’s most vital prayer warriors, an elder of Pingskyrkan. Again – and it’s hard to describe, as you’d need to be there to see what I can’t explain!), the Spirit of God was all over him, and it was tangible, and evident in his already lovely smiling face. The little shaking he had in his hands stopped, and he believes God healed him…..
Stella arrived for prayer in an incredible high state of pain, and stress: pain from head to toe. She was on a bicycle a year ago and was hit by a car. Her pain showed in every inch of her face. Along with that, her husband, an Indian, Robert, had – for no apparent reason, and having been in Sweden for some years – been deported back to India, two years ago, and so far their attempts through immigration and lawyers had proved fruitless. Again, so hard to describe, but there was a specific moment whilst praying for her, when suddenly, the power of God hit her: she almost yelled as He did! She staggered somewhat – and then all the pain in her body moved into her arms – and then out of her fingers. It was gone. I prayed for the peace of God to invade her mind, heart, spirit, and soul: again, the transformation was visible.
The first lady, whose name I can’t remember (sorry – and sorry to the dear lady if you read this!) – had breast cancer: and had, just a few hours before, had her chemotherapy. Most people I know wouldn’t to church after a chemo session, as it often devastates you physically, and it was her statement of faith – Jesus would have said – so I did, on his behalf! – your faith has made you well. The joy of the Lord touched her, and we laughed with her: often, in recent years, I’ve known people healed just as they laugh: why? Because the joy of the Lord is our strength…. we believe it, but do we REALLY believe it? This dear lady was convince, persuades as Paul said to Timothy in his second letter.
I could go on: many more to tell of of where healing began (the process of healing), others so clearly touched by God. It was a blessing to pray with Urban: a man filled with God’s Spirit, filled with passion and vision, but exhausted: and seeing God begin to lift unnatural tiredness off of him.
What a wonderful privilege it is to be with people at their lowest point, and watch as God lifts them to a new place…
Tonight, a ‘Healing School’ in Gothenburg at 6pm (5pm UK time), and ministry. And countless other people visiting this house, or us going to them, to see God transform them.
God, thank you that you let me do this stuff…. boy, does my 9½ years in the NatWest Bank seem like another planet!