Many years ago, Kate Bush had a song called ‘Wow’… if I remember right, it contained this: ‘Wow wow wow wow wow, I’m burning for more’. That’s my story here in Sweden, from Örebro, Borås, and Gothenburg.

No church tonight, but, as I’ve said before, my amazing friends here, Bjorn & Maria Isacsson, have a huge number of immigrants and illegals that they are involved with – many Kosovan, Serbs, Albanians – they arrive, mostly, muslims – and get saved because of the amazing ministry, sacrifice, and love of the Isacssons. People whose homelands are still often hostile one to the other, in fellowship and friendship here, because of love….
Tonight’s meeting was in their home, with people from each of those ethnicities, all saved, and – I think tonight – all legal(!), all Roma, not that that would matter to them, God, or me! Just about all of them (15, maybe, I didn’t count) sick with varying degrees of seriousness.
When I was here four years ago, I met a lovely Albanian couple, Radvan & Vlena, and their daughter, then 5, Vlera. They were desperate, as Vlera was born with so many major issues, acute autism included, and was told by medics in Albania that she’d never walk, talk, or do anything, so ‘look after the other twin and let her die’. Some advice, from a doctor, huh?
They found their way to Borås, and the love of Bjorn and Maria and their tremendous family. I had the privilege of praying for Vlera in the local Baptist Church one evening: mum and dad in utter distress as Vlera screamed and threw herself from side to side in her buggy. Along with prayer from many others over the last 4 years, Vlera walks, talks, even speaks English (which brought tears to her doctor’s eyes), as well as Swedish. She still has a few challenges: her sight is virtually non-existent, and tonight that was our focus in praying for her. She moved about the living room on her own, which, I guess, suggests she could see more than 10 minutes earlier….
A beautiful little girl, Kristina, 9 years old, had very limited sight, too: diagnosed with glaucoma, thick-lensed glasses. As Maria translated for her, I told her that within 2 or 3 days she’d put her glasses on, and not be able to see, as she didn’t need them anymore. 2 or 3 days? Oh ye of little faith! Less than 2 minutes was all it took, she took off her glasses, gave them to her mum, told her she could see better without them, and that when she was being prayed for, she felt this strong heat start near her stomach and rise up her body….
The next person was a lady – much older than Kristina! – Brita: also with glaucoma, and something else I’ve forgotten already. She felt electricity through her body – I’d got Kristina, just ‘miracled’, to come and put her hand on Brita’s eyes. Whatever else it was she had was healed (I’ll try and remember, or ask Maria!), and with a degree of certainty that her eyesight would be fully restored. The best people to pray for miracles and healings are those who’ve just been miracled or healed!
Sonia, with strong pain in her lower back, was healed instantly: again, heat flowing through her body. And just about everyone felt the power of God surge through them, in different ways – even cold, which is not common in my experience, tingling…. Two or three needed prayer for sleep, and, in
Man alive, God’s been pouring out his Spirit here more than I’ve ever known here before: and, in Örebro last weekend, three people with chronic sleeplessness slept like babies straight away. It’ll be good to hear – who knows, tomorrow? – what’s happened for all the others prayed for.
Now, after the last two loooong nights of praying, I’m utterly knackered, but it’s a lovely way to feel it….seeing God cut loose with love, power, and blessing.