It’s about 5 years, I guess, since I was in this lovely city, then in the Pentecostal Church, this time in the Baptist Church, Betania….wonderful pastor, Claes Rangsjö. When we arrived, there were a good few people in his home, so I had the time to pray for them before the meeting, which I thought would cut down the ministry time later.. dream on!
God touched all of them who wanted healing, with back pain disappearing, a ‘standard’ prayer for most of us on the healing ‘circuit! – and about 4 others: my apologies here, as the names, the people, and their problems merge into a gooey mess in my head hours later!
The meeting was pretty full, great worship led by a lovely lady, Cecilia, I’m staying with her and her lovely husband Carl. First up for prayer, with Cecilia translating (both the meeting and the praying – she must have been exhausted!) was a man with with quite serious eye problems.. it was a bit of a ‘Mark 8’ as the first time they were ‘better’ but not right (no trees in the building though!!), then healed…. a lady with a lot of pain in her body, and especially her knees, and asthma, told Cecilia it had all gone. Both were too shy to take the microphone to testify, as testimonies ‘immediately’ always life faith, so Cecilia told everyone.
Many of the stories were similar to other nights: chronic pain, arthritis, asthma again, Kristin (from Boras, who with boyfriend Andreas, Maria, and brother John, were all there – it was wonderful to have their support!), has had a nasty pain in her jaw since having a wisdom tooth removed, and seemed to have been susceptible to colds… again, a couple of prayers, from me, then Andreas, and it was gone….
A lovely man, I won’t mention his name, had carried a pretty awful past with him from early childhood, resulting in the years since in pain throughout his body, depression, total insecurity, and self esteem so low you could scrape it off the floor…. God beautifully, gently, wonderfully, set him free. His eyes came alive, and he hugged me so tight, it was beautiful.
On and on and on again (back to songs – Status Quo!!) as a lady with unbelievably bad blood circulation, and water retention in her body, first felt the warmth of the Holy Spirit in her body, then tingling…. God often deals with stuff like that, in my experience, overnight, so I’m hoping she’s there this morning. Many, many others, in my ‘melee of goo’ brain…. maybe as I see people today the stories will resurrect themselves!
So, now, at 10 am (9 am UK) it’s my last meeting of this wonderful trip. It was so sad to say goodbye to the lovely Isacssons: harder than ever before…. – I have a feeling I’ll be back here sooner rather than later, now possible with my lovely flexible short-booked diary!