Yesterday, I spent time with Pastor William Castaño, and Wilmar, a Pastor too…. just going over the programme as it stands at the moment. Along with loads of churches, hospitals, blessing street people, and more, there’s an invitation from the national police in Cali, to go in on three successive days to pray for all the police on duty at that time, including the big boss…. it really is an opportunity I’ve never been offered before. Wonderful….

Also, William has arrange meetings in Tulua and Palmira, two cities north of Cali – the one in Palmira seems to be (possibly) a big meeting, in a public park… I love doing those meetings here, as you have so many young people playing football, people just chilling out in the park….
My anticipation – no, excitement level! – went up a few notches yesterday…. I’m preaching this evening, at a church I’ve been to many times, Eh hogar de Oracion Rey Jesus – House of Prayer for King Jesus – at 5pm, and then twice tomorrow, at 9am – another church I love (Dios con Nosotros – God with us), and then the church where the pastor, Giovanni Cruz, said there were so many miracles last time….at 6pm. And yeah, Chris is the first of my team to arrive, tomorrow, lands at 7.50 pm…..
Just feel it in my spirit that this is going to be GOOD!!!