What an amazing morning at the ‘Dios con Nosotros’ (God with us) right in the south of the city. I’ve been there before, a few times, and God has always done good things there. This time was slightly different in that the Pastor, Raphael, who has become a good friend over the years, and his family, weren’t there. As I’ve travelled over the last couple of years, it has become evident that ‘Kingdom-minded’ people and churches, are coming under increasing enemy onslaught. That’s the case here, as Raphael has become ‘victim’ of a blackmail scam, with very serious threats to him and his family (and in this country you take notice of threats!), and has had to leave the city for a time until the culprits are found.
So with that information as the background, I knew I had to change what I’d planned to speak about. It seemed to work, as at least 50 people came forward for prayer (Johan, the translator’s estimate), most for healing, but some for emotional, personal, and family issues. Boy, did I wish – again! – that had my other 6 team players with me! It was utterly exhausting: I’ve often said that praying for people in that kind of situation is so, so tiring – an immense privilege, but totally draining, as you listen to their story, listen to a list of diseases (often many!!), tragedies – at the same time as trying to hear God for what to pray for them….it took 2 hours to pray for them, so church was 9am – 1.15 pm…. and another meeting this evening!
BUT…. dozens were healed! Pastor William Castaño had told me that many had been healed in this church on the last visit I made there, in November: the first one ‘up’ for prayer today was actually a wonderful man, Alfredo, who last time, told me he wanted healing from arthritic legs, knees, and ankles, healing of his sight, and his heart, so that ‘I can begin to start the new ministry vision that God has given me’…. He’s 81….

And his hug was so strong: God had healed all of those things, wonderfully, he just had a slight discomfort in his left knee, not pain, but he was just ‘aware’ of it….God healed that today: and his wife, whose name, dreadfully, I can’t recall… she was healed of back and neck pain. Alfredo is one of those people who just totally inspires you, and makes you – no, me! – KNOW that I can still keep going into my nineties and beyond.
Again, at least three pairs of osteoarthritic knees healed instantly. Osteoparosis, like last night – a lady with it in many bones, had all her pain disappear in an instant. A man with extremely painful ankles, and soles of both feet – the doctors had not been able to diagnose anything, but he said every step was like someone driving a red hot nail into the curve of his sole/ankle, and had extreme pain walking: he walked backwards and forward across the front of the church, with no pain whatsoever. Thank you, God!!!
Dozens more – diabetes side effects healed (which probably means the diabetes is healed, too – the sugar test tonight in some homes should be quite jubilant! Backs, necks, leg pain, all healed. Damaged vision from diabetes – sight restored. I’m running out of what I can remember now: so soon after praying for a person, and then hearing another list of diseases/ailments/pains, and it’s quite hard to recall the person 2 people before this one, let alone 50+….

This lady, pictured, whose name I can’t recall (sorry… ), had, as I recall, osteoarthritis in her whole body. She was in great pain (empathy here!) – and it ALL went immediately, and she could move her arms, walk, and bend, like she’d not been able to in years!
God is so amazing: I really need him to heal my voice before tonight’s meeting, as it was gradually disappearing during the prayer time, and, good as Johan is as a translator, he might struggle with gruff whispers!
Dario’s mum was there: a huge hug, and a message that Dario is so wanting to see me. He’s changed his phone number, which is why Wilmar, nor I, could get hold of him, but he’s attending this morning’s church quite regularly now. Mum will get him a message today, he’s at his finca – where we had the amazing barbecue last time…. I felt very envious! Hopefully, I’ll catch up with him tomorrow, or Tuesday….
Tonight’s is another church where there were many miracles last time…. – and tonight, too, Chris Spark arrives from England, but – rats! – too late to get to the church I’m at, unless Wilmar can make his car fly! I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a late night….

Fabulous again… praying for you, for relaxation when you can and lots of Holy Spirit energy