A wonderful day yesterday, with a variety of fantastic blessings, followed a blind lay – eyes wrecked in surgery during a minor cataract operation 4 years ago – begin to see on Friday night. She had no sight at all: she had amazing faith, she believed that God would restore her sight slowly – why slowly I’m not sure, but God did what she believed he had said, and started to see colours changing, and was over the moon…. Gerard & I so wanted her to see, but if someone believes God has spoken, the measure you believe will be the measure you receive, so it was, though not total, a success story. The team from the church gave us the privilege of praying for them, prophesying over them, and then praying for us. It’s hard to explain how blessed small churches, in very difficult or dangerous areas, are, when ‘foreigners’ go to them.

Right now, there are many ‘big name’ Latino speakers in the city for tonight’s prayer vigil in the football stadium: I guess the term ‘prayer vigil is a misnomer to some degree as there are many ‘big’ preachers who’ll ‘battle it out’ at the microphone… they’d NEVER go to these small churches. I think it’s one of the myriad reasons I NEVER want to be ‘famous’, as these dear people increasingly feel marginalised as the big names go to the big churches… I LOVE the small churches.
Yesterday, we went to Ana Beiba’s home and her ever-growing numbers of ‘babies’…. such a lovely name for her old folk! Ana wasn’t home: she was off to try and raise money to pay some bills… not seeing her was bad enough, but to know that she was going ‘cap-in-hand’ to people to pay her bills was heartbreaking. Her adorable ‘right arm’ person, Asalya, was there, and was blessed out of her boots to see us. We prayed for her, for Ana to be successful in her ‘mission’, prophesied over her, and then prayed for a number of the ‘babies’, three at least were blind, and. as above, began to see ‘like trees walking’… Mark 8 is one of my favourite bits of Scripture, where Jesus had to have two ‘attempts’ to heal the blind man… and we are back at Ana Beiba’s on Wednesday next – and – in faith, to do what Jesus did.
The guys with me were astonished at how Ana Beiba gets so many into her home: even more astonishes, that, on no income whatsoever, and occasional help from some of my lovely friends in the UK, she keeps the ministry not only going, but growing…. I find it unbelievable that the house bears no ‘old people’s home’ smell – even posh expensive ones in Europe have ‘that’ odour, and EVERY one the babies smells of freshly laundered clothes. Ana, Asalya, and her (very) few volunteer helpers, do a job that 99.9% of the world would consider impossible.
Her second home, acquired through wonderful sacrificial giving from those UK friends, as you might recall was an ‘earthquake victim’ soon after its acquisition: I managed to gather in the money to have it repaired, and, at the same time, have the foundations strengthened so that more floors can be built above the single storey house. If tow more floors can be built, cost (UK) £23,000, (US) $38,500, (AUD)$41,500, Euros 27,500, she can take in 75 MORE than the 100 or so she has now…. I so, so want to try and facilitate that for her….

Then, in the afternoon, we went to one of the real danger zones of the city, San Luis, to be with/help/bless the lovely Dr Ana Bustos, who, every Friday, takes masses of good quality hot meals, and agua panela (sugar cane juice – very nutritious), to fee the homeless who live under a large road bridge.

It is such a privilege and blessing to have met her: she’s another I’ll always want to go to be with every time I come here. She funds the whole ministry out of her own pocket: this week, I know Gerard helped her, and I wans able to, too, with some money. We prayed with all the street folk, a number gave their lives to Jesus, and one, a very old man, who had such problems with his feet, was unable to walk. Gerard & Elisa prayed for

him, and he walked… what a wonderful God! The French guys, and the Mexicans, are loving every minute of the trip so far, and, as always in Cali, it just gets better and better. I feel like a record (who remembers them??!) that’s stuck in a groove… every time here is BETTER than the last, and this is my 52nd time in Cali, and 64th time in Colombia….I do pray that God won’t ever end this current 18-year-long season, and that I can come here, 2,3, 4 or more times every year until I go to be with Him…. I’m so in love with this country.
In the evening, we were due to be speaking at a church in Palmira, about an hour north of Cali: somehow, the Pastor had got his dates wrong, and had us down for next Friday…. so an abortive trip, but we had fun, laughter, food, and an odd beer or two…. it’s been great, as this team, the biggest I’ve brought here for many years, has bonded wonderfully, and the apartment is FULL of laughter, practical jokes, and great conversations in the presence of God.
Tody, 4 of the guys have gone to be the YWAM ‘King’s Kids’: this afternoon, 5 will go back to Palmira, for Healing in the Park, preaching, praying for the sick, as the lovely Pastor Cristian (where the muscular dystrophy boy walked last week) is planting a new church there. Preaching in public parks here is very, very fruitful. I’m grateful to have done it many times.
Beny and I will go to the church I spoke in last week, with long-time friends Diego and Candy as Pastors, El Hogar de Oracion Rey Jesus, House of prayer King Jesus), where steel disappeared last week among other healings and miracles: Beny will preach, and I’ll be with him, as I want to catch up with some of the people I prohesied their healing to last week….