Only back home about 30 minutes ago, and the other half of my time are all in be, and fast asleep! – so I can’t tell you how they got on in Palmira.
Beny, Danny, and I had a marvellous time at House of Prayer this evening. The worship was lovely, and Beny preached really well. What’s more, much to my delight, I understood about 80% of it without the help of a translator!

The ministry time after the sermon was tremendous. It included salvation, healing, and miracles…. what a lovely mix, but of course salvation is still the greatest miracle of all…. It was great to see Eva, who enjoyed God removing a steel plate and a number of screws from her ankle, last Saturday. A video interview of her telling her story will be here tomorrow.
Last week, I prayed for a man, pretty much deaf in one ear, and partial hearing in the other. His daughter, Giovanna, one of the worship leaders, told me this evening that he’s heard perfectly all week. Thank you, Jesus! A video testimony from her, on her dad’s behalf, will also follow!
A lovely guy, Abel, told me that I’d prayed fro him a yer ago, he was quite seriously overweight (hmm! – me next??!) and in the year had lost 30 kgs, 66 pounds, nearly 5 stone… he had also suffered from plantar fasciitis , which is extremely painful, and quite disabling: he was healed from that, too. Tonight, he asked for his rapidly degenerating eyesight to be healed: I just felt I should tell him that by Wednesday, it would change, and he wouldn’t be able to see well with his glasses on… hoping to hear about that one later in the week!
Omaira, a lady suffering from a totally ripped meniscus, in her left knee – also excruciatingly painful, was healed instantly, and walked around for a few minutes to prove it. Her sister, Isabella, was pretty depressed: and she and Omaira were frequently at loggerheads with each other. I sense that God was sayin that she just needed joy, and laughter: so that’s what I said to her, and prayed for her. Omaira asked me how I knew she didn’t ever laugh…. both, at best, very nominal Christians, and new to this church, I explained as simply as I could about words of knowledge. By the time they went, Isabella was laughing. Lovely!
A beautiful little girl, Isabella, had a problem I’ve never encountered in all my 30 years of praying for people! Her knees were growing too quickly, and they knocked together – so I guess, knock knees! – a few seconds before her feet. It was causing mobility issues at her tender age, probably about 9. Doctors had said it was going to be a rapidly increasing problem, and that very soon they’d have to operate, and put steel plates into her knees. I wasn’t altogether convinced that was God’s best answer (!), and after a couple of minutes praying for her, I got her to stand up quickly. Perfect. No problem. Then again….and again….and again. God sorted it out so very quickly!
Some prayed for will only know of their healing in time…Esteban (Steven) suffered from rapidly increasing diabetes: insulin injection dependent, and has to do a sugar test before every meal, so….maybe I’ll hear in a few days, hopefully, that he has ‘hypo’d’ after his injections, and that the sugar tests are all normal.
The same applied to Jhon, who had an appendectomy 2 months ago that went wrong: the incision won’t heal, and the same day as the surgery, he had a heart attack, at 33 years old. I prayed that the wound would be healed when he next changed the dressing, tomorrow.
And so it went on…. God is so, so faithful at fulfilling his promises, and everyone was either healed, or in process of being healed, tonight.
We were then taken out for a great meal by Carlos and Hanny, Candy the Pastor, and Hanny’s mum, and a few other folk. A lovely way to round off a great day!