Tonight, we were at one of my favourite churches here – Nacer de Nuevo (New Birth), in one the most dangerous districts of the city, Simon Bolivar.The pastors, Hernan and Helchie Gonzalez, have become lovely friends over the 3 years or so that I’ve known them. It’s a tough, tough area, and very poor, but they are making incredible inroads into their troubled community, and, from a (almost literal) handful of people 3 years ago, they have a church of a good 100+.
We all went, as we couldn’t get hold of another translator for a meeting that the French folk were going to. The worship was lovely, the atmosphere wonderful. Chris spoke really well, and there were a few there who could speak enough English to have 3 or 4 mini-teams for the ministry time, which was overwhelming. There were many healings and miracles: from each little prayer team. I can only really relate some that happened with me, as I don’t know all the details from the other guys.
You might recall from November’s visit here, and the blogs, a young lady, Daniella, 23 years old, came for prayer mid-asthma attack. God stopped it instantly. She’d also been born with

severely flat feet: as I asked her, then, to take her shoes off, we watched as, without prayer, arches formed in both feet. The picture I posted of her then was this one….erupting in tears. She also had terrible eye problems, with thick-lensed glasses, and virtually no (and deteriorating) distance sight at all. God healed her eyes instantly….
She was there, tonight: no glasses, arches in place, and no asthma attack for 6 months. I asked her to come and pray for people with me: she looked a bit shocked, but she did, and this is where the ‘header’ of this blog comes in! I simply LOVE seeing other people do stuff they’ve never done, probably thought they could never do, and then doing it. She prayed, quite confidently, commanding God to heal people in Jesus’Name – including her mum, who also had terrible eyesight. Mum was healed instantly, Daniella even removing her glasses to pray with her hands on and over her mum’s eyes.
The a little girl, maybe 3 years old, autistic, bad eyesight, and chronically flat feet – Andreea – was brought for prayer by her aunt. I just nodded at Andreea’s feet to Daniella, and a lovely young lady, Laura, who was helping me out with my Spanish, and Daniella, took her shoes and socks off….Daniella prayed, then burst into tears again as God did for the little girl what he’d done for her 6 months earlier…. absolutely wonderful! Thank you God!!! Virtually everyone who came for prayer was healed: a young lady with a tumour on her top gum inside her lip – all pain went, and the tumour will be gone tomorrow. A lady with severe neck and back pain went away pain-free. A man with sacro ileac problems was healed, and pain free. A lovely older man with cancer in his stomach and liver, and a great deal of discomfort and pain, went away pain and discomfort free….

I could go on and on…. so many stories repeat from church to church, meeting to meeting.
But I live with a passion to see other people do what Jesus did, and if I can help them, even a little, on their way, then the last 30 years – and the next 30+? – will be well worthwhile….