Last night I wrote that Ana Beiba had been hit with cancer again, and that we had a wonderful hour or more praying with her for her healing. Late last night, she sent a text message to Wilmar, and two more this morning. Again, Google translate has done its best(!), and Ana’s texts may well have been type and mis-spelt in her excitement…so I’ve just rearranged the order of some of the words!
- Help me tell the missionaries… I also feel very happy because Christ heal me. My throat is healthy after you guys left me. (I had) a very deep sleep grand dream and when I woke up I felt very happy rest(ing) in Christ
- I feel more strong than the buffalo!
- Almighty God fill you with the best offering and grand mercies that I received after missionary Paul gave me his great prayer. I feel like I was 12 years old! I do not know how to express what I’m feeling, Jesus Christ finish what started right throughPaul. I am very grateful
- pastors I feel as healthy as an ox.
Wonderful news…..thank you Jesus for healing Ana again.
For me, it makes her ministry even more special, that God would save her life twice in less than three years….