This evening, we were at a church I’ve not been to before, and it was packed to the doors and beyond, in the same barrio as last night – the dangerous one – Simon Bolivar. The pastor and his wife are a lovely couple, and there was a great sense of anticipation in the air as we arrived. Gerard and I both shared – Gerard doing the more ‘preachy’ bit, and I used Max Lucado’s amazing Easter piece to centre the whole meeting around the amazing love and sacrifice of Jesus. If you’ve not read it, here it is:
- The battle is won.
- You may have thought it was won on Golgotha. It wasn’t.
- You may have thought the sign of victory is the empty tomb. It isn’t.
- The final battle was won in Gethsemane. And the sign of conquest is Jesus at peace in the Olive trees. For it was in Gethsemane that he made his decision.
- Those same hands that created the universe will wipe your cheek. The same hands that clenched as a Roman spike smashed through them, will wipe your face, and brush away your tears – FOREVER.
- Max Lucado
The response for prayer for healing was almost 100%: with four of us praying, it took a good 2 hours or more to pray for everyone, and here’s some of what happened for the lovely people I had the privilege of praying for:
- Jose Bustos, the Pastor, healed of all pain in an arthritic left knee
- 5 more pairs of osteoarthritic knees healed
- 3 ‘active’ cases of colitis healed of all pain immediately
- 3 similar cases of gastritis healed on the spot, one with terrible reflux problems, also healed
- 2 ‘active’ migraines healed
- one young man with chronically flat feet from birth (I guess he was about 12 or 13 now) – arches formed instantly, and – according to his mum – healed of ADHD as mum checked out all the signs he usually showed
- a young lady in extreme pain from tumours on her ovaries (I guessed non-malignant, but the guy helping me with translation of words I didn’t know, didn’t seem to know much English, so not altogether helpful!!) – healed, straight away
- a man awaiting hip replacement surgery, walking with a specially designed walking stick, walked away without it
- one lovely elderly man, with severe pain due to a cancer in his stomach and bones, had ALL pain disappear
- 2 people with sight restored instantly, 3 others whom I felt would have their miracle in the next 2-3 days
- one lady with acute insomnia – no sleep for the last 5 days, a regular pattern, she told me, for more than 20 years – almost fell asleep in the seat with her head on my shoulder…
And, again, so much more…. Lydie, Elisa, and Gerard also saw many, many instant healings, and once home, Gerard mentioned that his use of words of knowledge has increased…. Cali seems to have that effect on people, heightening a gifting occasionally used ‘back home’ that accelerates here. It’s a wonderful blessing.
Elisa, Lydie, and Gerard then went on to ‘Reconocer’, the Christian drug rehabilitation centre, and loved it, having opportunity to pray for all the residents, staff, and volunteers. It’s one of God’s lovely ‘sense of humour’ places: now functioning to change lives for the better, it was previously owned by the Rodriguez Brothers, who ran the Cali Cartel – the second biggest cartel in its day to Pablo Escobar’s. What the enemy meant for harm….:)