Those of you who keep up with my blog, and especially those who have taken the delightful Ana Beiba to their hearts, will remember that, 3 years ago, on our first meeting, God miraculously – and instantly – healed her of a huge brain tumour, and was a month ‘into’ her three months’ to live ‘death sentence’. In her home, then, in her care, were 50-60 old people, whom she was more worried about than dying herself. That day, she FELT the tumour leave her, all the pressure gone….
Visiting every time at least once, when I go to Cali, its been marvellous to see her ministry to these abandoned old folk grow. In April, she had 100-110 in her home: BUT, she looked ill, sounded worse, and had lost a great deal of weight. She told me that she’d been diagnosed – again – with cancer: not brain, this time, but throat and oesophagus. Again, with a few month ‘death sentence’ on her… that day, her voice returned, her face changed, and she could swallow… the tumour(s) had gone. The picture here is of Ana, having just been prayed for: those of you who ‘know’ her will see she looks pretty sick…. it’s so good to know she’s back to normal….!!
My dear friend Wilmar Gomez has just now written to me, that in the last few days, she’s had a biopsy, and it’s completely negative, and she said that every day, since we prayed for her, she’s felt better…. Thank you, thank you Lord….
Can’t WAIT to see her next month….