In April, in a meeting in a church in Sevilla, there was a man who’d been in an accident, and hadn’t been able to walk for 9 months. I remember him in his wheelchair: he left it at the font when he walked out. Pastor William told me Sunday he’s totally healed, and is doing great….
Monday, Wilmar was round, and we went to King David Hospital to pray for Maria Helena’s daughter, who’d had convulsions. We had a lovely time with her and Maria Helena: Vanessa isn’t in the Kingdom yet, but she felt the fire of the Holy Spirit burning her from the inside… Caroline and Wilmar talked with her for a long time, and the process of change, as well as healing, is undrway. Then we got to pray for the patient in the next bed, and her husband, a lawyer, who asked us to pray for him for wisdom… it’s amazing how open people are to prayer here….he was a lovely man.
I had been trying to get hold of my friend Dario on the phone, but it was voice mail, so Wilmar has this funny thing where you can message a Blackberry, so he sent one to him. Literally, 5 seconds later, he replied….. and so, early on in this trip, we’ve managed to get together, whereas previous trips we somehow never connected until near the end.
We were invited for lunch at his home, and had a wonderful time with him, Eric, Michelle (10, fluent in English!!), and Joshua. The most privileged bit though was having him ask us to pray for the family…. it was so special. God answered Wilmar’s and prayers on the day of his surgery, when he’d blown my mind asking me to visit him in hospital as soon as he’d woken up from the anasthaetic. Can’t – won’t! – explain here WHY it blew my mind: just email me and ask if you want to know! His hug when we arrived was worth the airfare: ‘Paul, you’re in my heart all the time, I love you’ are sort of unexpected from most people with his ‘history’… it’s so clear that God is speaking to him, AND that he hears, and that God’s changing him, even in the short time since April.
I really enjoy his company: what is so surreal, is that he enjoys mine….
He’s so happy I’m here again, and wants to be with me, we were invited to the ‘finca’ – the Andean mountain estate – Tuesday: with all of his close family. It was a great time getting to know some of his family better, as usual Dario was the one who introduced the whole element of praying for the sick ones! His brother had plantar fasciitis, and a hereditary bunion problem – you could see where the metatarsal had moved, and was actually forming like an ankle bunion. It hurt him to put his feet down, for some months: God healed him on the spot…..and the metatarsal must have moved, as he no longer had issues with his ankle…. Yet another case of my finding God’s sense of humour, and faith-stretching, as I’m one of the (I’m told) 2% of men who have bunions (women 47%). Personal note to self: you really shouldn’t have worn those stiletto heels for your first 50 years of life….
On the way to church, William took us to pray for a few people in their homes:
Lileana, Dario’s mum, had extreme pain in her legs, back, and – yes, you got it – knees: everything to do with pain went instantly, and in church last night, she stood at the front and testified to it.
And, about church last night, same one as Sunday, Dios con Nosotros, Caroline did the main preachy bit…. I just shared a few things I felt God had given, and some stories to raise faith….which seemed to work, as everyone I prayed for was healed…. about 10 or so…. and Caroline had a similar story to tell…..
And the Irish contingent have arrived tonight – Carly Brown, Grace Uitterdijk Grace Uitterdijk, and Peter McAvoy…. team complete, and ready to roll….!