I asked the guys who went with me to write a little about their experience in Cali, Colombia – better to hear it from them than from me! Here’s what Grace Uitterdijk, from Londonderry, wrote:
- Grace Uitterdijk
hey…here’s my ‘paragraph’.as soon as I started writing i just couldn’t stop.this is a cut down version hahaha. miss you!
Colombia…where do I start! I am so glad God directed me to go to Colombia with Paul and the rest of the team because I know I will never be the same and yet it is only the beginning! I’ve always wanted to go to South America and I knew God was calling me to live there for a time before I went but I never dreamed I would feel so at home literally as soon as I stepped off the plane. What God did in, and through me in Colombia has changed my heart and my relationship with Him because I realised that there were things I thought I believed but I had never fully trusted God for. One of the biggest things that opened up to me while we were in Colombia was realising God actually does heal all our sicknesses! I had prayed for healing before but never with the authority and power that I learnt to use in Colombia and never before have I seen so many sicknesses and pains leave instantly by the power of Jesus. Suddenly dealing with the confusion or disappointment of someone not being healed was so much easier because there was only a handful compared to the hundreds who were healed instantly. Expecting the supernatural became easy and seeing God transform people’s lives as they received Christ, were healed, delivered from spirits and loved became normal. Now the difficulty is guarding that revelation and experience and making that a reality here where I live in Ireland but I know that process has already begun! With all the amazing things God did, I think the thing that impacted my heart the most was simply the people. My team-mates and the Colombians we worked with like the translators and Pastors (you know who you are!) were absolutely amazing and I realised God has really knit us together as a family no matter how far apart we are-it has also made my desire to live there so much stronger when I realise I will be amongst family. If you are reading this and you want to experience some of the amazing things God does every day and you want to see it with your own eyes, just go! I can speak for the Irish team (Carly, Pete and myself) that you don’t need to have the money because we paid for the accommodation before the flight in faith and then got all the money we needed for the flight and food within about 4 days; God is that faithful! I know my life is changed and I will be back in Colombia but I don’t have to wait until I go back to see God do the same and more-He is the same God everywhere! Thank you Paul for giving us the opportunity to do what God has called us to do, and for being such a great leader by being so humble. Also thank you to the Carly, Pete, Caroline and the rest of you crazy Colombians who worked with us for the joy and to use an Irish term ‘craic’ we had!
Love Grace
Grace preaching