I reckon that’s a wrong completely wrong statement for me personally: I have no interest or aptitude in riding horses! My only experience was on my 50th birthday, in Phoenix/Globe, Arizona, when my friends John & Kerstin, who are ranchers, for my birthday ‘outing’ arranged for me to go with John, at crack of dawn, to the speying and gelding of the yearling cattle – and then, a good few hours on horseback taking the cattle to another ranch… I’d never ridden a horse before. John said that mounting was easy – just put your left foot in the stirrup and throw your right leg over… hmm. All my weight was on my right leg… his ranch workers were killing themselves laughing as this short Englishman in cowboy-land, tried to get on the perishing horse… in the end, they reversed a truck up to the horse, and I got on the horse from the back of a pickup truck! A good few hours on horseback, even going (by my standards!) quite fast, was ok. Then came dismounting….
– throw your weight onto the left leg and swing your right leg back over… yeah, right!! As I did it, I manage to take the saddle round, and half under the horse, with me….hanging by my left foot which I couldn’t get out of the stirrup for love nor money!
BUT… yesterday, after my lovely ‘sabbatical’ (if it WAS that), I was on the ferry to Liverpool, to get going again. This evening, I’m with my wonderful mate, Nick, praying for his cousin – 32 years old I think, diagnosed with pretty aggressive motor neurone disease. Please pray for Tim the sufferer, and for Nick and me, as we see God beat this thing into submission. Then, tomorrow, to Plymouth for the weekend, to see my wonderful friends Jules and Olwyn, and speak in their church (they’re the pastors) on Sunday: but to have the weekend praying for Jules, an amazing man of God, a fighter par excellence, as he’s had multiple sclerosis for about 25 years, and it’s way past time he was healed…
I know God’s going to do something good, as the last three days, it seems the enemy has ignited a welder’s torch inside my knees, and I’ve hardly been able to walk: but just the ‘battle’ to get up early, yesterday, get on the ferry, and prove to him that he wasn’t going to stop me, has seen a great improvement in that particular affliction, today.
After Plymouth, it’s down to (almost) the tip of Cornwall to see my sister and brother in law, which I always love doing, and then, on Monday, to my great friends, Graham and Margaret, in Troon, Scotland. (If you’ve got a mental map of the UK in your head… look at the geography of these places and the driving involved…!!). A few days with them, praying for people there, too, along with another great friend, Gordon, who has people for me to pray for. Then over to Edinburgh, to preach a few times, and do a healing ‘practical’ seminar on Saturday, too, with lovely (how many more great adjectives can I use for my friends, eh??!!) friends, Tom and Marjory.
Then….back down south, to Addlestone, Surrey, to leave my car – maybe (though they don’t know it yet!!) breaking the journey about halfway overnight to see friends), and to leave my ‘England’ car here, before flying back to Ireland for a few days, ahead of – 3 days later, money permitting(!), flying to Romania for 8-9 days. Then, on March 28, again, God willing, flying to Colombia, to my home in Cali, for 2½ weeks.
This financial journey, or lack of finance journey, has been a real stretching time, as you can imagine. It IS far easier to live at home without nothing than it is to live away, on a ministry trip, with nothing. But God’s had a real purpose in it, and I know the time at home has been valuable. I’d REALLY value your prayers now, though, even more, as I’m taking a team to Cali, as per usual, so I have to be there! – and right now, I’m the only one who doesn’t have the ticket money!! The airfare to Colombia is NEVER cheap, but ALWAYS worth it….
Thank you for your love and prayers! They are more valuable than support practically, but the practical bit becomes very valuable in real time!