Wow, what a great time in England and Scotland!! Only sorry I didn’t make it to my dad’s birthplace, Wales, then it really would have been a Great Britain tour, and a full-house UK one, as I’m now back in Ireland, and speak next Sunday at High Street, Holywood, Presbyterian Church’s Café Church. It’s one of those ‘things’, that, much as I love Wales, and of course, I’m half Welsh, I’ve never spoken there once in my 28/29 years on the road. Maybe one day… maybe God’s saving it up for when the whole nation is in revival again, like 1905!
I really should use my natural aptitude for Geography better, or have someone arrange my itineraries for me, as I got the ferry from Belfast to Liverpool 3 weeks ago, and drove straight to East Sussex…was then taken to pray for a lovely guy, Tim, and his wife Becky, in Tunbridge Wells, Kent – Tim has motor neurone disease: I’m really believing for a huge miracle for him… From East Sussex, I headed to almost as far down Cornwall as you can go, to see my sister and brother in law: and from there, like a lunatic, had planned it that I drive to Troon, on the west coast of Scotland: from there to Edinburgh, and then back down to Surrey, where my ‘English’ car lives with dear friends Keith and Margaret. Hmm… a mere 1750 miles!
It was great in Troon, with long-time and very dear friends Graham and Margaret, their daughter Jenny, and her lovely son Glenn. They are so lovely to stay with, and Glenn has had a soft spot in my heart for most of his 11 years. Once, when Graham had picked him and a friend up from school, about 4/5 years ago, Graham heard Glenn telling his mate that ‘Paul of God’ was at home… so lovely, so sweet – it meant the world to me, even if he was under a slight misapprehension! A number of lovely, low-key meetings in Graham and Margaret’s home, prayed for everyone who came, I think, and look forward to the stories as they unfold.
Last weekend (28 Feb-2 March) I was back at a wonderful church in Edinburgh, Wellsprings, and on Sunday in the terrific church of friends Richard and Agnes Russell, in Tranent. At Wellsprings, some people told of me what God had done for them on my last visit (at least 4 years ago), some lovely stories, and there were more last week, too. Saturday afternoon, I did a sort of ‘storytelling/healing’ practical workshop, and spoke at their meeting on Saturday evening. Loads of people to pray for, some people were touched and blessed there and then, others – as always – I’ll wait and hear the stories as they happen!
One lovely Polish lady wrote this to the person who organised the ‘Edinburgh’ bit of my trip:
- Please say a BIG THANK YOU to Paul from me (I didn’t have a chance to do it personally today). Even a short conversation with this humble and loving man has showed me how loving OUR DADDY is! I have met the Father I had never experienced before! I have never experienced such love before! My heart was deeply deeply touched yesterday. It was like seeing for the first time how good our Daddy is. I will never be the same again. Thank you for inviting Paul!
I heard from another, today, with this as part of her email to me:
- You don’t know me but you prayed for my teenage daughter a while ago. She’d had insomnia for a couple of years and was really at the end of herself with associated mental health issues.You prayed for her at Wellsprings and she was healed from that day.We’re really grateful.
Four years of sleeping, and the loss of all the ‘nasties’ that sleeplessness brings, after two years of little sleep. As someone who fought insomnia for my of my life – thankfully God has blessed ME with sleep the last few years – I know what it’s like.
In Tranent, a lovely lady I’d have put at early 30’s (she was 52!!), suffered from ankylosing spondylitis, a lot of pain, and the depression that long term pain can bring. She could only turn her head a very little side to side,and not tilt it backwards at all. In moments, she was doing all three…. thank you, Lord! Other people had pain go, one lovely man with Parkinson’s stopped shaking instantly, so all in all it was a blessed time in lovely Scotland, still (for me, at least) thankfully part of our great union of 4 nations…
Home now for a few days, and then, almost certainly, headed for Romania a week tomorrow, after my Cafe Church visit to Holywood. Straight from Romania to Colombia, for 18 days, with three great guys going with me. I’ll do a separate blog about that so you get two for the price of one!