My last night in Cali. Paul and Paul went to one church with William whilst Brian and I went to another in the north of the city with Wilmar. Brian introduced himself then handed over to me. I gave a simple message with testimony and called people forward for prayer. This was a time very much of emotional healing. Most of the people present were women. We prayed for one young lady whose husband had just died, another hose husband had left her and a third whose husband had gone off with other women and was trapped by drink and drugs.
Another lady had a tumour in her ovaries, and as I prayed, she said she felt an intense heat. Then Brian broke the power of the spirit of death over her, and as I held her hands I ended up several feet away from where I started as she shook violently. She was barely five feet tall, but had immense strength running through her. When she was finally free, I hugged her and she sobbed uncontrollably. Then Brian hugged her and she became a dead weight in his arms, at peace but totally under God’s power.
Fernanda asked us to pray that she would know God better. We did so, and she firstly wept, then sang from the heart. As a complete non English speaker, when Wilmar pointed out that she was no longer singing in Spanish, I clearly recognised some English words in her tongue.
Jenny was next, wanting to know God better, and after we prayed God’s blessing on her, she too fell under the influence of the Holy Spirit as Brian hugged her.
Finally we prayed for the pastor’s daughter, who had recently had convulsions. As we prayed, she also felt an intense heat in her head, and wept at length.
All in all, a brilliant last night here. We have several commitments tomorrow, including some before I leave, so at the risk of taking advantage of your patient reading, there will be one last post tomorrow, either from Cali airport at about midnight UK time, or at Bogota a little later.
Once again, thanks for reading all my ramblings. Until a couple of days ago, roughly one third of the group members had read each post, and for that I am truly grateful. So here’s to tomorrow morning and a safe journey home!