The disappointment of losing Chris (back to England – it’s always strange when you’ve been ‘team’ together for some time, to lose someone) was more than tempered by a lovely evening at the church of my friends, Francisco & Ninny. A good number of people there, Brian spoke very well, and – without a doubt – everyone responded for prayer! Chris had recorded in his post on Facebook ‘Cali Colombia 2015) yesterday that up to 90% of the people prayed for had been healed. Last night was no different. Many of the same illnesses, infirmities, and pain presented themselves.
In the morning, the guys went up to the wonderful statue of Jesus, high above Cali, where there are also amazing views of the city.

One man I prayed for had – you guessed! – major knee problems: his was a story of agony when he stretched his leg straight (in bed, for instance). I got him to put his leg up on another chair, even pressed down on his knee, 2 or 3 times – all the pain had gone. Three more knees, or pairs of knees were healed. Migraines (once again people had gone to church WITH the migraine), and were all healed, one lady though just with a tiny ‘remnant’ of pain which I believe went before she left the church.
One lovely young mum was in a church for the first time ever. She gave her life to Jesus. Yeeaahh! The greatest miracle of all. It was wonderful to see the change in her face as some years of anxiety left her: she was divorced from a husband who was deeply into the occult, his mother a witch. They had cursed her and her kids, and the freedom in her after praying for her was such a privilege.
So a quieter day today: hopefully we’ll get to see Maria, the young lady who’d been shot, who I’ve seen twice already (the rest of the team once), again, today. Looking forward to seeing what’s changed since Tuesday!
Then, tonight, to the church ‘Nuevo Nacer’ (New Birth): there last week, saw many miracles. Tonight will be a bigger meeting, and I know that God will do even more.