…and so sad that today is our last day of meetings here in Cali. Miracles galore – blind eyes opening, completely crippled walking, pain became history for many… Brian had especially asked to go to Wilmar’s church, Mision El Abrigo Internacionale, and he had the advantage of not being picked up for church until 9 am. I was envious, as Paul and I had to get up at 6.30 for an 8 am meeting quite a long drive away But wow, was it worth it!
How do I write about this morning? A church in the north of the city, barrio Oriente: Mision Mana/de Alcance a las naciones (reaching the nations): a new church to me, pastored by a lovely couple, Juan Carlos and Luz Estella… to say that the Presence of the Lord was there would be a gross understatement. Both Paul & I spoke: again, I felt that Paul, in his first visit here, and having relaxed so much into preaching, should take the lion’s share, and again, he spoke really, really well. I love so much giving the people who come with me, the opportunity to do a lot of what they might not get the opportunity to do back home. The offer to pray for people brought a ‘tsunami-like’ effect from the quite big congregation. Not only that, but really – REALLY – sick people had been brought from their homes, and wheelchairs, zimmer frames, and walking sticks, were much in evidence.
I began with a lovely guy in a wheelchair: Jhon, 43 years old, massive brain tumour 3½ years ago, paralysed left hand side, unable to speak. There was significant change in his face, more strength in his hands, hope had returned. I’d love to tell you that he got up and walked, but he didn’t: I think that’s a little way down the line. Sufficient change to really bless and encourage his wife, who left with a very real peace on her.
A lovely lady, 70’s I’d guess (but extreme pain can age you), Elisabeth, had suffered extreme arthritis and arterior sclerosis (?? help me, Lee or Katie!!). She had a zimmer frame, and a totally wrecked knee (a recurring theme, huh??!!) – this time, as with the person last night, though, from having had the knee replaced, and being in more extreme pain than ever before. She had damaged her other knee with the extra pressure, and it was now arthritic. A lovely transformation took place, and she walked unaided for some time after being prayed for, with no pain anywhere in her body. The lady next to her, Luz Milla, also a chronic arthritic, had not been able to bend her legs without excruciating pain: stairs a real problem to her. Another failed knee replacement! Due for surgery, too, on awful swollen nodules in her throat. Thank you, Lord, that it was a church with stairs! – as she climbed and descended them a couple of times, totally pain free in her body. The nodules had begun to reduce in swelling… here’s her story:
So many more: who to choose! Francisco, wrecked knees and back, walking nigh on impossible and then only with a walking stick. Healed totally, he was walking around with his stick upside down not anywhere near the floor…
Consuelo, terrible head pain, back, shoulders, and legs, too. Due for surgery (for what I can’t remember, forgive me!). All pain went. So many tears! Dora, unable to stand or sit for more than 5 minutes at a time – was standing for about 30 minutes before she left church, pain free. I could go on and on…
Last one, out of dozens and dozens more – Giselle, maybe 17 years old, had a motorbike accident where a car hit her, and she and the bike went over the top of another car. She had a fractured coccyx. She’d been a dancer in the church, and sporty, both of which had ceased as she was in terrible pain with her spine, and two discs out of place as a result of the accident. God healed her instantly, loads more tears as the pain went. Here’s her story:
So the meeting was 6½ from start to finish, with both Paul and I praying solidly for people for almost four hours. It’s wonderful, it’s amazing, it’s a blessing – and it’s totally shattering, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But what a way to (almost) end: Paul’s on his own right now, with Wilmar, at the wonderful drug rehab centre, Reconocer.
So, now to the packing to leave here tomorrow afternoon… and the looooong haul home. Joy oh joy !!! What an amazing trip it’s been: once again, I think I’d have to say i’s been the best one yet, to Cali – each of the 58 visits here have superceded the last one. This one, collectively we’ve seen about 90% of the people we’ve prayed for, healed or ‘miracled’ – what an amazing privilege it is to see the power of the risen Lord Jesus close up and personal: to see lives radically changed for the better. I love Jesus so, so much…
I’ve already put down a deposit for the apartment here in July: and looking forward to having Peter, from Bangor, Northern Ireland, and his sister, Kerry, with me: maybe Lee, Katie, and their daughter (who’ll then be 11 months old): possibly/probably Margrethe from Norway… and I’ll see who God sends my way to firm up the team very soon!