Part 2 of the night of miracles in ‘Hoy es Tiempo’ church, and a video of Leonardo getting out of his wheelchair – first time in 4 years, standing upright: each time he stood, he did it faster, and straighter…all with minimal suppot (no pulling!!):
Sorry the link is so long, but you might have to copy and paste the whole thing….
Kerry had a wonderful time. First was Maria, severe pain in her whole skeletal frame – all th e pain went ; also build up of mucous under her eyelids, causing blurred vision – her sight cleared
Teresea – pain in an eye (undiagnosed) – prayed – pain diminished: prayed again – pain gone
Sandra – infection in both breasts – docs didn’t know what it was, caused much pain – went; felt generally unwell, pain in back and hands – all went
Vianey – whole face swollen with mucous build up (never come across this before, then two in one evening!), a lot of face and neck pain – it went ; glandular fever, the glands in he neck particularly swollen: she felt the glands diminish in size. Her boyfriend asked for prayer to have the will to forgive her as she’d had an affair, and it had distanced him from God
Harol – no cartilage in knees (osteoarthritis – is it ever NOT going to happen in a meeting I’m in??!!)), he couldn’t bend or squat – Kerry prayed – and he able to stand unaided, but he had a loud cracking noise in his knees (I know that one, too!) – prayed it to go, and, of course, it went….
Other people – emotional pain, family members with problems, etc.,
Peter had (yet another) man who’d had a serious motorbike accident – with an 11 cms metal plate + 13 screws in his upper left arm. Felt electric pulse go through him – the steel dissolved, Strength came back. He couldn’t feel the plate or screws which had been raised, Arm wrestled Pete – no mean feat if you saw Pete’s biceps!
Lady with gastritis – considerable pain – she was healed
Lady – osteoarthritis in joints, no cartilage (lol, the record’s stuck now!!) – all her pain went. The pain in her arm pain had been such that she couldn’t do simple things, like do up buttons, or open a plastic water bottle – so Pete gave her one to try, which he’d tightened really tight, purposely. Hey presto! She also had fibromyalgia (poor lady ). All the pain and unnatural tiredness of that went, too…
Lady with swollen and inflamed bones – restricted movement – all pain went
An older lady fallen – damaged her arm, couldn’t raise or rotate it. Healed of all pain, and significantly move movement than she’d had before the fall!
A lady with the dreaded chicunguña, was healed instantly.
And this little summary is missing many out, partly because by the time you’ve rayed for 2 or 3, you’ve already forgotten the first one, not that they’re not important, but because your concentration has moved on to someone else.
What an amazing God we have….