Two churches last night, countless healings, miracles…
Caroline and Kerry went to one of my favourite churches, ‘Nuevo Nacer’ (New Birth, John 3:3) last night, while Pete and I headed off to a new church to me, ‘Tabernacle de Oracion’ (Tabernacle of Prayer). Right now, Kerry and Caroline are speaking (all morning and into the afternoon) at a conference for women, in a barrio some distance away, Alfonso Lopez: Pete and I can recall some of Kerry’s reports from last night, but I’ll blog again when she comes back – what we can recall is that she saw a hugely swollen thyroid go down, and felt it, as she had her hand on the lady’s throat, and someone with a lot of pain in their feet healed just as she touched the foot…
Where Pete and I were, everyone with a ‘discernable’ illness – they had pain, swelling etc – was healed. Pete had a lady with a steel plate in her wrist and up her left arm – the steel went. A whole family with varying degrees of gastritis, was healed. Arthritis went. Everyone with the ‘mosquito’ disease, chicunguña, was healed.
People I rayed for with Johan, included a lady who was so stunned that all her life-long pain had gone, didn’t want to move in case it came back! She’d had chronic back and leg pain for many years (she was quite elderly), couldn’t walk unaided. All he pain went, and I finally persuaded her to go for a little stroll across the front of the church, which she did, and all the pain had gone. A lovely young lady with severe scoliosis (a lot of that here), felt movement in her spine as we prayed… she and mum were both in tears, and her pain had gone… hopefully, somewhen, we’ll her that she’s been xrayed or scanned, and it’s dead straight…
Everyone who had pain was healed. A lady with severe lower back pain, cried as it went. A young couple, Frank and Angela, had two major problems, one financial, the other – Angela, formerly a ballet dancer, had been in a car crash, and had extensive injuries. In hospital, she got an infection that ate her fibia away – 11 cms – and that right leg was pretty deformed. Her deepest desire was to dance again: and she felt very strange sensations in her leg as we prayed. I’d love to tell you that it ‘fleshed out’ in front of our eyes: it didn’t, but something major was happening that I felt would continue overnight. They had a major debt, too, from a failed project, so we prayed that God would miraculously do what he did for a lady here last year – cause the bank to call and wipe the debt out….
A lady with athrosis – I’m still not sure if that’s the same as, or different to, arthritis – all down her right side, was totally set free from pain. At least three sets of knees got healed last night (perhaps explains why mine were excruciating while I was preaching! – I thought at one point I’d have to get Pete to carry me off of the platform!!). Three – maybe more – people with the awful chicunguña, were healed, including the pastor’s wife….
More testimonies to follow….
The healings and miracles are gathering pace, and as we move into our final weekend,our last 5 full days here, it’s going to be amazing to see what God does! At another church I love very much tonight – ‘Casa de Oracion Rey Jesus’ (House of Prayer, King Jesus), in the Santa Monica district…and then a massively full day tomorrow, in the city of Tulua, about 2 hours away: I’m told the last church of the day is about 500 people, so goodness only knows what time we’ll finish, let alone get home!!