This time in Cali goes from one level of amazement, and glory, to another!! City of Tulua yesterday: great churches, SO many healings, and some amazing miracles, along with some ‘in process’…
Leaving the apartment at 0700 is a bit of a ‘no-no’ as that time doesn’t exist on my watch, being somewhat nocturnal! It was a busy day, and pressured in terms of time to pray for people, as there was a seminar for women in the afternoon that Caroline and Kerry were doing, together with Marlene , Wilmar’s wife, and Laura, Johan’s wife, which, I was told, was absolutely excellent. That was in a third church, ‘Dios esta Presente’ (God is Present).
Here’s my little team yesterday:

Back:Peter, Pastor William Castano, Me, Wilmar
‘Altar de Avivamiento’ (Altar of Revival) was the first church. Expecting maybe 100, well over 200 arrived, it seems, and went out onto the street… praying for people wasn’t going to be able to be 1-1 just because of time, so I’d decided that I mention ‘obvious’ diseases from the platform – chicunguña, steel in bodies (!! – becoming a ‘regular’ now)… then get people to put their hand on (appropriate!) part of their body, and pray a block prayer… we still ended up praying for a few individuals, we can’t not, or can’t escape!
Tahe second church – ‘Fuentes do Agua Vida’ (Fountains of Living Water), was big – Wilmar reckoned 500+, so it was praying the same way again, plus a few at the end that were particularly special.
So, here’s a list of some of the healings during the day! –
- Young man with a twisted spine – healed during the preaching
- Eight people with steel in their bodies – one felt intense felt heat, felt the steel move in his shoulder, one felt it move in his forehead – had it dissolve
- A lady had a vision of her (not there) husband’s steel plate in his skull dissolving, turning to dust, and the wind of the Holy Spirit ‘blow it away like a vacuum cleaner’…. wow!!
- Two severe scoliosis – one man felt his back was on fire
- Tinnitus – a guy who works in a recording studio, as an engineer, had chronic tinnitus (not ideal for a sound engineer!!) – it was healed instantly
- Chincunguña – at least 100 people raised their hands to say they’d been healed of it when I prayed, and all their pain had gone
- a little boy with a hernia
- Nicole, 8 or 9 years old – dislocated elbow: healed. Another man with same, wouldn’t stay in place when manipulated previously, but healed yesterday
- A young footballer with ligament damage – couldn’t walk or run – ran across church
- Ovarian cysts – all pain went
- A lady with a plastic tube from her brain to her stomach, to drain her brain of excess fluid – you could feel it behind her ear and in her neck – it disappeared

Then came ‘remarkable’ number one, Fabian, a 30 year old young man, born with a very rare terminal cancer – his ‘death threat’ was that, all his life, he could die at any minute. The main tumour was in his brain: his face was totally disfigured and deformed, he’d lost an ear, tumours in his mouth, and throughout his body. I sat and talked with him for a good 15 minutes, with Johan’s help – he was very hard to understand – and then prayed for him, I got Pete and Kerry in to pray with him too. As always with cancer, I curse the spirit of death in commanding it to leave, and cursed the prognosis, which filled him with fear. Then I prayed: Fabian said he’d felt a massive ‘weight lift off of me, and a strange sensation in my chest’. His legs were massively ‘under-formed’ and he felt tingling in the backs of them. His face had changed from abject fear and defeat, to a lovely smile. He leaned over to hug me, and began to sob into my shoulder, and I prayed for him in Spanish while hugging him. Suddenly, he ‘shot’ backwards, eyes disappeared up into his head, and lay back, totally still.
I’ll be honest, for a split second, I thought he’d died, but I didn’t ket THAT stay, so instantly pulled him back, spoke to him loudly in Spanish, cursing the seizure (if it was one). After 30 seconds to a minute, his eyes came back (phew!!)… I asked him what had happened. It was astonishing… he said that as I hugged him and spoke to him, it wasn’t me: he saw a man in blinding white with a beard, hugging him, speaking to him: other blinding white lights, and he said he KNEW it was Jesus. His whole appearance had changed: he was smiling, his eyes had real life in them, sparkling, and we hugged and he cried again, just saying thank you, thank you, thank you… His voice must have improved 100% in volume and clarity, and his hearing the same. His legs strengthened, and he walked away on his own, much stronger than he’d come to see me, with assistance…. I sensed that God was going to carry on with the supernatural miracles during the night and into today….
…and then, Marco – a man with Class 1 or A (depends where you’re from it seems) diabetes, one leg amputated, his fingers rigid rendering them useless, and seriously blurred vision, his wife Lisa pushing his wheelchair. I’d love to tell you he grew a new leg (I’ve seen that once before) but God told me to tell him the Smith Wigglesworth story of the legless Vicar, who had to exercise his OWN faith to get his legs… BUT, Kerry prayed forst, then I prayed for Marco, who had been told he’d have to have the other leg amputated….
So I cursed that prognosis, and prayed first for his hands – his fingers bent, his fist clenched, and then he just constantly opened and clenched his fist, laughing and crying.. went for his eyes next, and with just a very short prayer, they cleared totally, and his vision was perfect. I long to be back there in October/November, to see both him AND Fabian….
We got home not long before midnight, our 17 hour, totally exhausting day, being worth every second of it….
Thank you, Lord, thank you… for using us ordinary people.