Yesterday afternoon, we spent with one of Yumbo’s ‘movers and shakers’ German (Herman) Jaramillo: a man passionate about restoring the wrecked and damaged areas of the city, and brining transformation to those in dire need, and others caught up in drugs and violence (many). We met him through the Pastor of the church we were with. last night, from a church that I’m growing to love a great deal, Casa Berea, in the city of Yumbo, about an hour north of Cali. Every time we’re there, God does something special.
German is the director of a big foundation, creating jobs, changing communities, running a radio station (which the church use quite extensively). He needed a lot of encouragement, as in that particular city, it is tough, and our 2½ hours spent with him, and one or two of his senior staff, including the social worker, was very beneficial. He was blessed that we’d take time out to be with him, and the church’s pastor, Alexander Betancurt, was delighted with the time spent with him.
The meeting in the evening they had really directed straight at prayer for the sick: I guess there were about 80-100 people present. It was very honouring of them to ‘shorten’ the worship time to accommodate our ‘usual’ lengthy prayer ministry time at the end. Even then, time ran away from us a little, so I suggested we pray for everyone en bloc with, or suffering the after effects of the sickness chicunguña, the mosquito-borne disease. About 30 stood. Every one was healed as I asked Pete to pray. It took some of them some minutes to feel the effect of extreme joint pain going (one of the major effects of this rampant disease).
Then I suggested that all those with gastritis, or other stomach/gut disorder (so, so many in Cali and the region) to stand. Caroline prayed, and at least half a dozen instantly testified to their healing. Next up was arthritis/arthroses/osteoarthritis… many experienced instant release of pain, in shoulders, hands, ankles, knees….
And then we prayed one-to-one with the rest, and here are some of the testimonies:
- 2 people with severe kidney infections/pain – instant release from pain, and referred pain
- Scoliosis – a lady in a lot of pain with her spine and lumbar region – instantly gone
- A lady with very bad blood circulation, to the extent that her fingers were totally numb and cold, they felt – and looked – ‘dead’ but were soon very hot, and was clenching her fist and gripping our hands tight, colour returned to them, other body pain gone
- Arthritis – a lady with more severe pain with arthritis in her shoulders, elbows, and knees, was healed
- 4 people with major knee pain
- Luz – long term kidney infection, wouldn’t go to the doctors as she believed God would heal her, and he did!
(another instance of someone GOING to church EXPECTING to be healed while in great pain that would have kept most of us westerners at home and in bed, especially for a midweek meeting!
- Marian – kidney stones – felt Jesus touch her, and a great deal of heat, pain went
- Angela – polio since she was 1 year old, withered leg, cold and useless – heat came into her leg and she could ‘feel’ it in a way she hadn’t previously – a miracle in progress
- Hosea – had a broken knee, couldn’t walk, couldn’t get out of his seat to come for prayer (Kerry and Caroline went to him), or stand up alone: after prayer from Kerry and Caroline, he stood, walked with just a little assistance at first, then ok, as all the pain went
- Clara – couldn’t breathe properly, then perfectly: while praying in a group had a sore back and painful spine: felt heat, then pain gone
- Alexander, the Pastor – 2 weeks with a severely blocked nose causing an ‘unmovable’ chest infection and throat pain – within seconds, breathing normally, all pain gone, soreness in chest gone
So, a lovely way to finish this wonderful ministry visit to this fantastic place. It seems we’ve been here ages, yet also doesn’t seem it’s possible that 3 weeks has gone so fast. Hundreds, if not well into four figures (much more likely, but I hate to exaggerate), and a very high percentage (at least 90-95%, like Easter, if not more) of the sick people we prayed for, healed.
Pastors from other churches are still reporting back to my lovely schedule planners, William Castaño Baron, and Wilmar Gomez, about healings and miracles that they are hearing about the next day/next few days…. it’s so, so indescribable to ‘report’ what a privilege it is to be at the point of the arrow of the Holy Spirit, when he transforms people’s lives, and does what he promised to do THROUGH us – heal the sick, preach and signs follow (though often they precede!), see afflicting and oppressive spirits leave people – on such a ‘grand’ scale.
It’s 5 am Thursday: going ‘home'(?) day… I’m up because Peter and Kerry were picked up by Wilmar at 4.30, and, as I was awake to see them off, thank them for all their hard work, and bless them on their way. They fly Cali to Miami, Miami to Charlotte, Charlotte to Dublin. I don’t leave for another 9 hours yet: Cali to Bogota, Bogota to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to London…. fly from Cali 5.35 pm, arrive London 4.40 pm tomorrow afternoon…..then at 8 pm fly on to Belfast, and home…. we’d all appreciate you prayers, especially for sleep on the planes! That’s something that has almost always evaded me on planes, in almost 30 years, unless I’m upgraded, and can lie down!
Thank you for your prayers for this trip: they’ve been as much part of it as we have, and they’ve been very effective. God bless you.