I know that there are many people across the world praying for my friends in Melbourne, Sergey & Svetlana Mironov. As not all of the people who pray for me read Feacebook, but DO read the blog, or have it emailed to them, I want to post as often as I can how your prayers, and the faith of the Mironovs, are effective. Here are Svetlana’s posts from yesterday: I’m hoping I get one today, too.
- My dear friends! I just want to tell you that Sergey didn`t feel any worse today – he was brave and positive, going forward and battling hard towards the win!!!! His blood test showed some better results (not everywhere but quite a few things). He is very strong and does not let himself to feel weak – even he still does not receive any food he feels quite well and ready to battle further. His mum has just arrived from Russia and it was so great for all 4 of us (Sergey Mironov, myself, Mary and Sergey`s mum) to pray tonight holding each others hands…There is still no progress with the leak in his tummy – but we have feeling that God will improve it one day..when day comes… Thank you so much for praying with us!!!! praying for Sergey!!! Sergey sends his love and big THANK YOU to all of you!!!!!!!
- Just came back home from the hospital – can tell that when doctors do not know how to help they can even destroy you by their words!!! Sergey`s blood test was better then the one from 4 days ago, he was looking better and feeling better (no change with the leak, but overall feeling was better) – but doctors told him that they cut off his fluids because he does not need them because nothing can help at all!!! Sergey`s spirit is strong and every second he works hard towards the healing – in spite of that it`s extremely hard to recover after such words addressed to you!! He feels God`s touch and we all expect some little (or not little!) win every day – it gets us one step closer to the FINAL win!! They want to send him home asap and we look at this with optimism – it would prevent him from listening their terrible prognosis!! He sends his love to everyone and once again – THANK YOU for praying with us!!!!
There is, to use the words of Smith Wigglesworth, ‘ever-increasing faith’ in Svetlana’s messages. THAT is a very tangible answer to prayer, as is the fact that Sergey feels ‘much better’, and his bloods are ‘better than four days ago’! Please pray that the words of curse – that’s what I believe they are – that are regularly spoken over Sergey (‘You only have a few days to live’) by the doctors, won’t find ANY resting place in either Sergey’s or Svetlana’s minds….
Thank you for praying for my friends, my friends!!