Last Sunday, I was due to be preaching in Londonderry, but heard on Saturday that the plans of the church had changed, so instead of going Sunday, I went on Monday, to visit people in their homes to pray for them. God really has an incredible anointing for this at the present moment….!
First I had the chance to see Anne – who, 8 weeks ago, had a few days to live with cancer. Since then, I’ve reported that she’s been scanned, and has NO cancer anywhere…but I hadn’t seen her until Monday. She looks totally different: her hair is even growing quite rapidly! She also had a massive hernia, that seems to have pretty much gone…. God, thank you!! I’ve blogged about Caroline, who I met 3 weeks or so ago: much of her pain (fibromyalgia, collapsed vertebra, numerous other things!) has gone, and she’s visibly changed… saw Libby Monday, too: she’d had fibromylagia, and a raft of other ailments. You’d never know she’d been ill, if you saw her. She could hardly walk or move 3 weeks ago: she was walking in high heels as normal as anyone….
They were all in one place, as it was Anne and Caroline’s mum’s funeral: ostensibly went to pray for them that the stress of the day wouldn’t have a negative effect on their health, but got to pray all sorts of thank you prayers, too! Outside the house, got chatting with my friend Davy – who seems to know everyone in Londonderry! – a mere 248,000 in 2011… to a man – Kingsley – who’d had both knees replaced. He’d been hit by a car: should have died, but thankfully he didn’t. He’d has his knees ‘done’ just over a year ago: and was in more pain, more discomfort, and with less mobility than when they were first replaced. The doctors said there was nothing they could do as it would mean sawing off some of the tibia that the prosthetics were drilled into….
You know, there are times when you don’t have to pray for people, when God is on the move. I’ve known many times when people have been healed just chatting to them, being with them… Davy saw Kingsley yesterday: walking with both knees bending as they should (the right one didn’t bend at all on Monday), walking with NO STICK (essential the day before), then standing talking, crossing one leg with the other, just as you tend to when you stand for a while…. I never prayed for Kingsley: sure, we talked about his accident, and the major league problems with his ‘new’ (lol!) knees… and it seems God did what only God can do JUST by being with him….
Then to the home of a lovely couple – Davy’s brother and sister in law, in fact – Andrew and Julie. You could feel the stress and fear in their home, as last week, Julie was diagnosed with breast cancer…. they have four gorgeous kids, aged 2 to 10. I sat with Julie and Andrew, Davy, and Julie’s mum, and told them a few stories of God miraculously healing cancer – including some ‘funny’ ones, regular readers might remember my Spanish blunder with a lady in Cali, praying for her breast cancer as ‘pechuga’ – which only refers, I was told, to chicken breasts! – and the atmosphere lifted… Julie is due at hospital tomorrow for surgery. She had a sizeable tumour. As I prayed, I suggested that she gave herself a good examination maybe that night: she hadn’t slept for many nights since the diagnosis, and I felt to tell her that she’d sleep, and that tomorrow, at the hospital, they’d find no tumour…
Davy rang me Monday night and yesterday morning: Julie had slept really well, and the tumour had all but disappeared, just a tiny, tiny lump to go…. God is so amazing….
Then to pray for Ethel, with acute rheumatoid arthritis in her fingers, wrists, back, legs, and knees – one knee worse than the other. I heard yesterday that virtually all pain has gone, strength has come back to her hands and wrists, and walking – getting up especially – is ‘normal’…. thank you, Lord!! I’m claiming the knee one for me, as I always do….
I saw Rebecca, Davy’s daughter: prayed for her 8 weeks ago, as she was a frequent asthma sufferer – nothing for 8 weeks. William – with undiagnosable white ‘lumps’ across the top of his chest: I remember telling him (though I heard myself saying the words, I hadn’t thought them, certainly not processed them!) that they’d be gone by the morning. They were, and have made no re-appearance since.
A few others were prayed for: some had been in the past, and received healing, others we wait for… please, if you would, pray for Julie tomorrow as she tells the doctors that her tumour has gone, that she no longer has cancer, and explains why….!
This week, until next Friday, I’m in Bucharest, Romania: doing some ministry with students and small groups…my first time in Romania for 18 months, and Bucharest for over two years. It’s nice to be home! Then I’m in England, at City Church, Plymouth on 29th, visiting friends and supporters, and ministers during the week, then at Brownhill Road Baptist Church, Catford, London, on June 5th, before returning home on the Monday. Praying for the airfare for Australia for the following week, where I hope to be for a couple of weeks, ahead of going to Cali, Colombia around 8 July…