An amazing day in Londonderry, Feeny, Limavady, Drumahoe, and other places I can’t remember the names of(!) was topped off by watching – at 0030 hrs for 2 hours! – France beat Romania, and in the last minute an utterly sublime goad by mighty West Ham United’s Dmitri Payet (and a magical game throughout from him) to win it…. what more can a boy want, huh???!! Miracles and a miracle goal….even if it was for France!
These day visits to Londonderry feel a bit, I imagine, like a doctor doing house calls! I won’t do a list of what happened in each place, just an overview of what God did….it was, as always there, quite amazing. Six or seven houses, spread quite far apart, and generally 90 minutes to two hours in each: a lovely time with a guy named Russell, who God has done wonders in – and in his family – over the past few weeks. God willing, Russell, who totally committed his life to Jesus as a result of the healing that God has done in him, his mum, and brother, has been ‘under fire’ from the enemy as a result of his total transformation, will be baptised in the sea – pray for a warm evening for Davy and me as it’ll be in the Atlantic off the north coast of Ireland!! – in a few weeks’ time.
Saw a lovely miracle begin in an ankle and a foot: a severe infection in the foot and lower leg as a result of standing on a stone in all probability was going to result in the lower half of the leg being amputated. The reason I mention it is not just because the change, following prayer, was marked, but that it was in a bull calf on a farm where a number of the humans have been healed in recent weeks!!
Lovely pain-relieving miracles for various people – which meant that discs and vertebrae were healed, in one person the sacroileac joint was healed, spines straightened, a sciatic nerve untrapped, fibromyalgia – devastatingly acute in this case – easing rapidly and going: major back pain in the same man, Robert, as the result of a major car crash 2 years ago – he’s a racing driver, and it was that sort of car crash, not a geriatric bloke hitting him up the rear!! – going…. in fact, 6 people in the family, all in the same house on Friday, had major healings. One, Barney, a severe diabetic, i (was!!??) scheduled to have his right foot and lower leg, up to the knee, amputated in a couple of weeks. He has (had??!!) a huge ulcer in the arch of his foot, a huge hole in his sole as a result, and needless to say, a lot of pain, and a great deal of fear. Heard Saturday that Barney had had no pain, was walking better, and beginning to believe for the impossible that he might actually keep his leg… I can’t even begin to imagine what that would feel like: but it’s over to God to carry on doing what he’s started…. A lady with COPD was breathing freely and easily for the first time in years.
Another house: two ladies. Rosalyn suffered severe osteoarthritis and had major problems especially with her feet. Walking was like a ship keeling over – I know that experience! – and within moments she was walking pain free, and upright. The other lady, Lesley, had been healed of cancer in an earlier visit, and was suffering this time with pain across her shoulders, and circulation problems – the pain went, and the pain in her feet went, too, where the circulation had been a particular issue.
Davy had a word of knowledge about a particularly sore/painful ear – which went….later on, praying for an older man, who was pretty much deaf in his right ear, suddenly heard everything like thunder! How does God do it? If we knew, it would remove the mystery….
A lovely 4 year old, Jamie, born without the ‘support mechanism’ (the family called in the’tonsils’ at the back of his skull – is that right, Lee or Katie Collier?? please?!!) missing, which support the spine, so his head ‘flopped’, he had almost constant acute head pain, and it affected everything a 4 year old would do – he couldn’t run, jump, hugely restricted ability to play at all. Davy rang me Saturday, to say that Jamie had had no headpain/headaches, had slept well – and we’d seen him running around in the house, and diving head first onto the settee…. lots of change already, more to come.
Ended the day, after 12 hours of praying for people, with a visit to a lovely elderly couple: the husband with cancer in his bladder, and various other ailments, including something that had caused his lower eyelids to drop, and become loose, meaning that his tear ducts leaked continually and considerably. By the time we left, he hadn’t ‘mopped’ his eyes for about 45 minutes – something he’d done every couple of minutes or so when we arrived. It’s wonderful when you see God begin a process just as much as it is to see an instant miracle…
Back there again next week….