Two brief updates… a couple of weeks ago, I wrote the testimony of Julie, who’d had breast cancer, and cancer in her lymph gland and nodes. She’s 35 (I think), married to Andrew, with four children, aged 1 to 10. She was scheduled to have a mastectomy two weeks ago today, and have the lymph gland and nodes removed: but within a few hours of prayer, the large tumour in Julie’s breast had shrunk to the size of a pea, and by the time she saw the Oncologist 2 days later, it had disappeared. She went to hospital a week ago yesterday, where tests, a scan, ad a further biopsy confirmed that the ‘pea’ had gone, there was no cancer anywhere in her body. She was due the results last Monday, but the doctor, bless him, couldn’t wait to tell her, and rang her before the weekend to tell her the good news. God’s utterly amazing, isn’t he?!
THEN…a few days ago, with discomfort in her abdominal area, showed a large cyst on her ovary. Davy, my great friend in Londonderry, called me, and asked if I’d pray for her over the phone. My phones (I have two – one as a spare and for travelling) had both died – joy oh joy!! – no idea what it’s going to cost to get them repaired… a whole other story! – so I couldn’t call or be called. I wrote a prayer on Facebook messenger for Davy to pray over her….she’d been diagnosed Friday, and was due back at the hospital yesterday. Davy read the prayer to her Sunday: yesterday, the cyst had gone, completely… here’s Davy’s message to me last night: “Prayed for Julie last night pain left her Julie was up at hospital this morning and cyst gone thank God, thank you Jesus, God is so good! Amen.” Prayer works in whatever way we use it – it’s NOT POSSIBLE FOR GOD NOT TO ANSWER PRAYER!!
And… the calf I wrote about in the blog a day or so ago, likely to need it’s rear leg amputated, is running and doing whatever calves do, in the field, with all the others… no infection in it’s leg at all. Thank you, Jesus!