It was fantastic yesterday to go back to Londonderry Derry (covering all my bases – if you’re Protestant/Unionist, it’s Londonderry: if you’re Catholic/Republican, it’s Derry!! – and it’s a big issue!) with Carly and Andy Shields, Grace Uitterdijk, and Pete McAvoy, who have been to Cali, Colombia, with me – except Andy, who’ll be going next year. They’re all great faith-filled pray-ers, and it was wonderful to have others to share the praying for lots of people yesterday….
When we arrived in the city, I felt we should go and visit Emma, the girl who’s had 5 brain tumours in 14 years, and who’d had too much of her brain removed, left paralysed, with severely damaged speech and sight. Emma is inspirational to be with, as is her husband, Harry, and her brother and sister, Rory and Clare, and I knew the ‘Bangor/Cali crew’ would be blessed by them, and be a blessing to them. It was so right we went, ans the enemy has had a right go at Emma this past week: so it was lovely to be able to pray with her – all ‘my’ guys contributed, as they did everywhere, and Andy had a specific verse of Scripture that God gave him to give Emma, which really blessed her. To see the change through prayer come over her again, was wonderful. Even her skin colour – which had been quite ‘yellowed’ when we first saw her, had changed. Much brighter, talking better, laughing, seeing better, standing, walking – even a little dance! – before we left…
Next up was a Staffordshire bull terrier, with a tumour! Before you react, God healed a calf a few weeks ago, and his love for ‘the birds of the air’ is documented in Scripture… we heard later in the day, the dog had recovered, and was doing well…. 🙂 -and again, this evening, that the dog slept for 2½ hours after we prayed for him, and that the tumour swelling has gone down, he has energy he hasn’t had in some time…. the horse that I mentioned in the last blog…. the owner, and her human friends (!) had to change the timing of our visit, which meant we weren’t able to go yesterday, so I’m there again tomorrow, and hopefully we’ll see the horse and its humans then!
One house in Limavady that we went to had 6 or 7 people gathered to be prayed for – an increasingly regular story these days, as word gets round about God doing many wonderful healings and miracles. One of the people healed here was a great guy, Ronnie, a larger than life character with a long pony tail (he was in his 60s): Ronnie had lifelong bad back pain, arthritis throughout his body, and couldn’t ‘ball’ his fists, due to contracted tendons across the base of middle to small fingers on both hands.
At Suzanne’s home – we payed for her Tuesday, and God healed her – she’d got together about half a dozen people, including John, who’d had a badly damaged and extremely painful back, for more than 40 years. Referred pain in his hips and legs had morphed into osteoarthritis. John first felt the pain decrease in his back, the strain and pain went out of his face, and his back and legs were vastly improved by the time he left.
Once again, I could list the things healed, but I sense that it’s a little bit of ‘deja vu’! – suffice to say, that now, well over 300 have been prayed for in Londonderry, and well over 300 healed…. Davy is getting more and more calls from total strangers asking for prayer, and it DOES seem that this ‘move’ of God is gathering pace, and I look forward to being part of it – as do Carly, Andy, Grace, and Pete! They want to go to there again with me, AND when I’m away, and not able to go, to keep the momentum going!
God is so, so good!!