Last Sunday, I reported the story of Kenza (I spelt it slightly wrong then!) – afflicted with the brain disease Ataxia, when she was 13: by 18 couldn’t walk, and unable to do anything for herself by 20. Speech was also massively affected. Heard on Saturday that she’d got up, on her own, unaided by even her seated walker: went to the loo, got a drink from the fridge, and went into her mum’s bedroom to wake her and tell her the news… oh, to have been a fly on the wall when THAT conversation took place…
Back in Londonderry on Tuesday (and again this coming Saturday, with Bangor/Cali cohorts, Pete, Grace, and Carly, and Grace’s friend Miriam) – word of Kenza’s miracle had spread, to massively understate it(!) – we went to her grandparent’s home in Coleraine (Ballysally, to be exact): Granda Carl (isn’t that nicer than Granddad Carl?) had chronic osteoarthritis – knees, ankles and neck, especially – but everywhere in reality. Pretty much immobile, shuffled slowly with a walker, circulation problems with swollen ankles… Asked Kenza to come a put her hand on him when I prayed for him: within a few minutes, Carl was out of his chair, walked out of his house, up and down his front path, and stood talking pretty much until we left!
Granny was healed too, swollen legs and ankles, long term intense sciatic problems, and long term breathing problems: Kenza was with me and Davy again, and Granny lost all of her pain, and walked a lot more easily. Later in the day, prayed for another lady with very limited walking ability, her left foot turned in quite considerably. As she was encouraged to get up and walk, her foot straightened immediately, she walked perfectly, and all the pain went.
It was another day when everyone prayed for said that they were healed. It’s just constantly astonishing me, as this is the United Kingdom… I’m not used to this here! And it wasn’t just 3 or 4 people: from mid-day to past midnight, I prayed for 27 people. People who have been healed previously are opening their homes to family, friends, and neighbours – at the last house of the day (we were there last Friday), where we arrived about 8.00 pm, there were 15 people! It was wonderful, but totally and utterly shattering. I finally left Derry to drive home at 0020…. wasn’t too sure I was looking forward to it, being so tired that my eyes were stinging so much….
So, today I was at the minor ops clinic, as I’ve hammered my knees these recent weeks – lots of in and out of cars, lots of sitting getting stiff, lots of driving – for injections into both knees. I’d normally be expecting a positive reaction by now – 11 hours – but I have to say that they’re still hurting a great deal…. :(. Please, Lord, by Friday….? Or better still, totally heal them? As you did with two people on Tuesday in Derry…?