It seems like I’ve only jut got home, but it is, despite feeling otherwise, a week since Colombia! My head is still processing the amazing things that happened in Cali. Thanney popped in today, and we were talking about some of the miracles – for him, his original intention was to go and build, having never seen a miracle, let alone prayed for one. Build he did: and very well, too. But God, in his wisdom and sense of humour, dropped him in it (maybe I helped a bit!), on the first Sunday (the first meetings), with Thanney and I praying for the very nearly totally blind lady getting her sight…. many others along the way, including Samuel, the lovely son of good friends, Pastors Wilson and Luz Eneth Monroy, losing his flat feet as we watched his arches form (this isn’t a baby, either, it’s a young man of about 23, and a very gifted footballer despite his flat feet)…. ending with the amazing miracle of Sarah, about 7, where her legs straightened and grew: born with her hips turned in the socket, feet spread about 140-160 degrees….
…..and so, tomorrow morning, I head back to Belfast City Airport en route to Heathrow: stay overnight with my lovely friends Keith and Margaret, head for Portsmouth at 0515 Wednesday, 5-6 ferry, and 5 hour + drive, to be with more lovely friends – Colin & Sue Enticknap, who have been missionaries to the Vendee region of the west coast of France, for 10-11 years. Over the next couple of weeks, there are a number of meetings – and my prayer, and my faith, is asking God to carry on where Cali, Colombia, left off….. miracles, setting people free, healings, salvations….

God in France, on the Vendee, and then, the third week, in Rouen, Normandie, is the same God as the God in Cali. The difference, I believe, is a few things that people outside of the western world have, that many in the west seem not to have (in the same measure) – expectation, faith, no unbelief, and total trust in a God who fulfils his promises. It was something that seriously impacted the four men who were with me in Cali – EXPECTATION. Going to church on a Sunday EXPECTING God to move, to heal, to do miracles. I think Andrew, Thanney, Davy, and Adrian were – at first – shocked that people expected God to heal them: it doesn’t take long for that expectation to become infetious!
So… France…. another country very close to my heart. I love it. And the wine. And the baguette…. I could live on baguette! The enemy’s been sticking his oar into this one, too…. just like he tried with Colombia – and failed. Last night my internet stopped – Sky weren’t able to put it right: think when I get back I’ll jettison Sky! Any suggestions for a good replacement? Thankfully, I have a mobile wifi dongle, and so it’s come to my rescue today…. and yesterday, my new mobile phone died…. so that was replaced this evening – now I go to bed and try and get it sorted out in time for the trip!
I’d value your prayers – I so want to see God move in incredible power on the Vendee, and then in Rouen and Caen, where I spend the third week…..with MORE lovely friends, Gerard & Elise Zeitjens….. back home just before my birthday, and – God willing – a fair few blogs that sound as though I’m writing from Colombia!! Thank you for prayers, your love, your support….. I’d really appreciate your prayers for God’s provision: it’s been an expensive few weeks in South America….. Bless you!
It’s wonderful to be going to these beautiful places and lovely people – just that November isn’t the best time for the beach at Brem-sur-Mer, or Les Sables d’Olonne…