For many years, there have been a few things that really bug me…’titles’ is one of them, people who seem to think that the more times they call themselves ‘apostle’ or ‘prophet’ the more others will be convinced. Truth is, they’re not convincing anyone: only trying to convince themselves. There’s no need, on social media, to style yourself as ‘pastor so & so’. If you ARE one, or a prophet, or apostle, don’t worry, people will see it in you…
Back in the 80s and 90s, there was an American couple who came to the UK regularly: Charles Slagle & Paula Slagle. I think most of us who had the privilege of hearing them would have, without doubt, called Charles, certainly, a prophet. Many – especially me! – were often hanging onto every word in the hope of getting a ‘word’ from Charles, or one of his stunningly accurate words of knowledge.
They were unlike most of their compatriots from across the Atlantic: they were understated, and humble, and never self-styled themselves prophets, but they introduced tens of thousands of Christians to the ‘Abba’ love if the Father…
For me it’s a privilege, every now and again, to have a natter with Charles on Facebook. Today, I read the front page of their website. It blessed me immensely, as there was no hype.. Nothing where they said things like ‘because we say thus says the Lord, I love you’ (many call themselves prophets for saying such words of obvious!) we are prophets….in fact, just the opposite.
Charles says he doesn’t perceive himself as being a ‘prophet’, but only another devoted listener of his Heavenly Father’. I love that. Yrs, he speaks supernaturally words of knowledge and wisdom, but his heart is to communicate God’s heart to searching and hurting people. He certainly does that. And even ‘minister’ he prefers to style ‘listener’.
Charles was one of the people who, in the mid-late 80s, changed my life forever. If you ever saw the Slagles, you’ll know that God spoke to people through Charles, frequently, based on a colour you were wearing. In the years I was desperate for a ‘word’, I’d wear multi-colour everything, from shirts to socks to boxers! That had changed by the mid 80s (maybe I was more secure in hearing God for myself!), when Charles ‘nuked’ with me with a word to the church about it being a ‘mission’ church (we weren’t) that would touch the four corners of the earth – and that I was the guy who was going. His was the 9th word, and the one that ended my staunch refusal to believe, or want to listen to, the previous 8… Within 24 hours, I was on my way… Bless you, Charlie.. .you and Paula were, and are, amazing…