ANNIVERSARY day today for me!!!!. Why?
Well, in another time zone – 1971-79 to be exact(!) – I worked in a bank, which was far from being a job I enjoyed! From ’75 I argued with God about his desire for me to quit: finally, at the end of ’78, I did, and in January ’79 I began work with Youth for Christ, on no salary, with mortgage having risen by 600%….
What’s the anniversary? Well, the 18th of the month was the bank’s payday: my last EVER salary payment was 18 January 1979, no paydays since then…. 38 years….and God has been faithful to his promise to meet my needs since then (it’s his promise to all of us, of course)….
38 years of God’s faithfulness: 38 years that have been an amazing roller coaster ride of incredible highs and desperate lows, of wonderful joy and intense pain…. abundant life and ‘in this world you will have trouble’…
I’m so grateful to God for winning the argument with me in 1978 (he always wins in the end!!), and, despite the (sometimes) Job-like experiences, it’s been an amazing ride….
Thank you, my amazing Heavenly Dad, I’m looking forward to the next 38 years, seeing you do more and more mind-blowing things that have never ceased to amaze me…. your Kingdom come, your will be done, through this crazy Englishman, all because of your great power and your great love….

Here’s to the next 38.
Yes, Indeed!!