It’s been quiet here on the blog for a few days about the building project, not because nothing’s happening, but you probably might not want to read that lots more steel arrived, was cut up, and welded…. or, perhaps, should have been, a little bit more than it has! Thanney has been a little short of ‘skilled’ local manpower to assist him, and so he’s worked in over-drive to try and keep this trip’s schedule for the construction on course. It’s been hampered, too, by ‘waterfall-like’ rainfall – Andean rain is something to behold (it’s causing many social problems in the mountain communities, with mudslides and so on). When it’s not raining, it’s often 35°C – and up on an exposed roof, that translates into a ‘body-feel’ temperature of over 40°C – and, because of the rain, too, it’s massively humid (mucho calor!!).
Today, Wednesday, COULD – please pray! – see the first truss go up: a major breakthrough, as it will mean that it’s possible/probable that the roof can go on by Friday…. Thanney truly HAS worked his fingers to the bone, arriving home black from steel dust and tanned from the temperature – so black and brown together means, until the shower, he looks like a walking bruise !!
We’ve been hampered somewhat, too, by the (understandable) need for clearance in paperwork back in the UK, to get a quite substantial donation for the work through. It is vital that the necessary clearances from HMRC etc., are approved before money comes here – so it’s known it’s not being laundered for other purposes!! Between us, we’ve tried to cover what’s been needed, but have nowhere near enough personal resources for it all, but God seems to have stretched money to the extent that Thanney’s got by without that specific gift….. it MAY come through in the next day or so, but it’ll be for the July trip here then. At which time, we’ll need a whole lot more money…..a the internal ‘fabric’ of the construction gets underway.
When you think what this construction will achieve when it is complete, it’s astonishing: maybe another 150 kids or more looked after, in a place where they are so vulnerable to the early ‘assault’ of disreputable people who’d want them hooked on drugs as early in their lives as possible so they can be ‘used’ by the drug dealers sooner rather than later.
We’ve been here 2 weeks now: it doesn’t seem possible, it’s gone so fast: just three more working days counting today (it’s 0755 am here as I write, 1355 UK time). Thanney was raring to go at 0600 this morning, and planning to work through, rain permitting, until 2000 this evening. 14 hours working on a roof in these temperatures is NO joke, but he – we – are committed to seeing this trip fulfil ALL we came for, both in respect of the Foundation, and the local churches. I’m covering the churches alone for the next few meetings, it seems, as Thanney needs to work: so the joy – but pressure, and incredible tiredness that personal ministry causes – are my responsibility. I’m glad though, that Thanney’s had great opportunity to see a good few miracles up until now: if he has a ‘supernaturally God-charged’ day today, and gets done everything he needs to, maybe it frees him up before Saturday to see God do some more through him.
What he wants as his ‘legacy’ from this trip, is a roofed-walled enclosed building, ready for phase two in July…..and loads of miracled people!! Please pray over these next 3 days that God gives Thanney, and the people of the Mision El Abrigo church, who run the foundation, the desires of their hearts for this March sojourn in this wonderful city, and amazing country.