Just a progress report for anyone interested…. last night, at the church ‘El Vive’, they meet upstairs (not the esiest of stairs, either ) – a fact that would have, not so long ago, had a bearing on my preaching somewhere or not…. last night, Wilmar was shocked! I think I was, too: I went fast… like ‘normal’ people go upstairs, not both feet on the same stair and a long pause to let the pain go down on each one…. and standing, preaching, only leaning occasionally on the reading stand, rather than supporting myself on it for the duration….
Look at my fancy knees….
Yes, there’s soreness, but the muscles, ligaments, tendons – you name them! – haven’t really been used for a decade or more, as they were designed to be used: yes, there’s some discomfort – but NOW, that’s mostly from my feet, which have changed ‘shape’ considerably the past 16 years – flattened (no arches), my shins (I look like John Wayne’s just got off his horse after 30 years in the saddle!) which are bowed….so some straightening up to be done by the living Lord Jesus, new arches… but it’s incredible being able to walk, SUCH a miracle. As the muscles get stronger, less inflamed, the feet straightened, and the horse I’ve been ‘riding'(!) consigned to history, it’ll get better and better. The ‘breathlessness’ that comes with struggling to walk under duress, is going: along with the sweating that often produces….
THANK YOU, all of you who have faithfully prayed for me, for many years. You have no idea what your prayers mean to me: please don’t stop! – I’d love these feet, and shins/calves, to be ‘normalised’ too, it’s still part of the miracle. All I can say is that your prayers are BEING answered big-time, and the ‘double-whammy’ blessing of finding almost a new place of affirmation and honour here in Cali, has totally and utterly blown me away. My passion for this city increases with every visit, and while home will be nice from Tuesday night, back in Bangor, I know I’m leaving an even bigger part of my heart here than ever before, as this trip – you can imagine – has a significance for me like no other, personally….. July, and back here, can’t come soon enough.
Those who I’ve talked to, and who have talked to me, about coming here this year, if you haven’t confirmed or otherwise yet, could you do that pretty soon, please? Especially for July…as accommodation needs to be booked: and the October/November trip currently has 12 people confirmed and/or nearly confirmed…..
If last night’s report from the church doesn’t make you want to be here – with everyone healed, or well on the way, I don’t know what will! Can’t imagine what you’re looking for from God if that isn’t enough….for now!!!