In November, at the Reconocer Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Cali, Thanney Pyper & I prayed with a 14 year old young man, Pedro: it just felt right to let Thanney take the lead, being a lovely family man. You might have heard Thanney tell the story: Pedro, an addict from 10 years old, on solvents, crack cocaine, such a hard young man, eyes like black bullets. It had totally destroyed the family, but thankfully, that day, the whole family had turned up at Reconocer’s family meeting.
In a moment, as Thanney prayed, his eyes changed… emotion came into his face, he went to his family and there were hugs all round, tears, a wonderful reuniting of a drug-wrecked world. That brought his 11 year old sister, Sarah, into the picture. She’d been born with a major deformity in her hips, legs, ankles, and feet, feet splayed at right angles, lmost a full 180° straight line. She could only walk with assistance, obviously: one leg 2½ inches, 4 cms, shorter than the other, and a dream to go ice-skating. She hated her specially made, built up shoes, so ugly: she only wanted pretty girlie shoes…
Thanney took her feet in the palms of his hands, both ankles and toes touching his hands. Then God did an incredible miracle. He ‘unhooked’ her feet, turned them 90°, grew the legs to the same length, and within moments, she was running around…. last Sunday, we saw them for the first time since that day in November, and Thanney talked to them all for a few minutes. That chat, about how their lives have changed, is here:
- (copy and paste this link into your browser – well worth watching!!)