Fantastic weekend here in Worcester, at the lovely City Church. Long (time) drive to get here, from Addlestone, after picking up my car, due to major accidents on the ‘road to hell, the M25, and both carriageways being closed for ages…. but it was worth the frustration.
It’s been really lovely staying with my great friend, Graham Coyle, part of the Leadership team of the church: its the first time I’ve been with Graham since his equally lovely wife, Ann, went to be with Jesus 3 years ago.

Ann was an amazing woman –

there are very few positive adjectives to do with personality and life that didn’t apply to her. Graham is a man it’s a true privilege to call a close friend – a strong, gentle visionary with an immense love for people. So it’s always such a blessing to be in their home, and it’s a tribute to Graham that it’s still a real joy to be with him. We’ve been great friends since our time together at Roffey Place Christian Training Centre, in 1984, so we go back a long way!
I’ve said recently after meetings, that’s it’s such a blessing to arrive at a church, and hear testimonies from the previous visit – 3½ years ago in the case of City Church. Here, I was blessed to hear of deression, anorexia, reynaud’s syndrome, osteoarthritis, and other diseases and afflictions being healed. It’s been a busy weekend, starting Saturday morning, with (what should have been!) a 2 hour session on healing, that in fact, turned into a near 5 hour session with praying for people. There were a number who experienced immediate relief from their symptoms, others who felt a change…. one lovely friend, the wife of a couple, who’d been very ill in recent weeks, experienced a real change in her symptoms.
More testimonies from Saturday were shared yesterday morning in the Sunday meeting, and a lot of people prayed for – by the leaders locally, as well as me, which makes life just a little easier! There were a number to pray for in their homes, too, who couldn’t, for one reason or another, make it to the meetings. As always, I look forward to hearing at some stage, some of the testimonies – even it’s not until I come here again, if they’ll have me!
Tomorrow, I head for Welshpool (if you don’t know where it is, the clue is in the first part of the name!!), to a meeting – ‘The Filling Station’ – where long time friends Jonathan & Kathryn Crosskey, are part of the leadership. Our friendship, like with Graham and Ann, goes back many years, into the ’80’s, in Worthing, West Sussex: there’s a rather unique ‘link’ with them, too, in that, in 1994, in taking me to Heathrow Airport, Kathryn and I were involved in a car crash that – humanly – should have killed us both, but we both escaped without a scratch (it wasn’t Kathryn’s fault, I want to point out! – it was the fault of the truck driver behind – something to do with a mighty angel who’d turned up at church the weekend before Jonanthan & Kathryn’s car – a geriatric Mini Metro – was crushed between two aticulated (18 wheel semis, for American friends) trucks, with us in it….. What made it more interesting, is that it was in the morning rush hour, on the M4 motorway exit ramp to Heathrow Terminals 1, 2, and 3….
I’m really looking forward to tomorrow evening’s meeting, especially after such a great weekend here in Worcester. Having never been to speak in Wales – my dad’s homeland – in 30 odd years previously, until this year, it’s wonderful to be going there for a second time in just a couple of months! Jonathan & Kathryn have been great friends since the late 80’s, so doubtless there’ll be much talking – like there has been with Graham, here! – over the next day or so!! And I’m not a talker at all….