I’ve posted this before on Facebook, but it’s worth posting often…Sycamore Creek Church, Ohio, ordered a Dominoes Pizza: $5.99. When the delivery girl arrived, the Pastor, Steve Markle, gave her a $15 tip – and then stunned her by saying that the church had taken an offering for her – $1,046. Generosity is such an amazing blessing: and we can never outgive God. If only more churches in the UK were outrageously generous, like this one, it would be revolutionary…. (you might have to copy and paste the link below for the lovely video of the delivery of the pizza) –
Many of you know that, in a week’s time, a team of 5, becoming 6 later in the trip, heads out to Cali, Colombia, for the third time this year, to finish the construction of the wonderful house that will radically benefit a poor community in the poorest part of Cali…. it’ll be a refuge for deprived kids, and a brand new church in an unchurched area. We’re all going at our own expense (with airfare, accommodation, food, expenses – around £2500+ each).
We’ve needed £4-5000 for some weeks to complete the house. At the moment, we’re going anyway, but we DON’T have the money to finish the house….so many people know about the house, many think it’s amazing…yet we’ve had ‘promises’ from people to say they want to give – and then haven’t (why do people DO that? It’s better to say nothing at all when the intention ISN’T there to give) – and probably, over the three trips, we’ve had gifts from (maybe) 3 churches, small churches where the only contact has been with me preaching there once, and Thanney Pyper talking about the project….
If ONLY there were more churches like Sycamore Creek Church…God blesses BACK exponentially when we’re generous beyond human limits, not just financially, but spiritually, too….
I made a decsion years ago that, when ordering a ‘take away’ meal to be delivered (which mostly the company charge for) I’d give the delivery person a tip on top of that. Most of them are absolutely stunned, and so, so grateful. You can’t outgive God….
I posted the video (link below) a few days ago, but I don’t think it opened. It’s just 2 minutes long, and shows the house from the ‘nothing’ beginning, to what Thanney has achieved ahead of our going there again next Sunday, for 3 weeks, when the project – God willing – will be completed. It’s well worth watching, an incredible achievement. When you think how many lives this building will impact (it’s going to be used as a church, too, in a totally unchurched area) – the link will ask you to download it (don’t worry, it’s safe!) and so worth 2 minutes of your time…. this has all been achieved in 4-5 working weeks – a humanly impossible miracle – and because of the struggle to raise all that has been needed to build it, we’ve seen God do miracle after miracle by ‘stretching’ money….