Yesterday (Thursday) was a fantastic day for Thanney and Johnny at the construction site for the kid’s foundation – they got so much done that they’ve gone from being behind schedule to ahead of schedule – so there’s a miracle! Truly, that IS a miracle…. doors are now mostly done for the kid’s toilets, they’ll be finished today: the suspended ceiling is being delivered (please pray with us for the money for it – it’s one of the things I’ve had a real blockage in being able to raise – the ‘£4-5000’ I’ve often mentioned that seems impossible – that money also includes the floor tiles, staircase, air conditioning). God willing – and providing! – the air con goes in next week, and – God providing – the hand-over and inauguration of the new building will take place on 12 November, the day before we return to the UK.
I’m thrilled for that fact – at one time it looked as though it wouldn’t happen while Thanney was here, and I’ve prayed that it WILL as he’s certainly ‘run with the horses’ over the three visits to Cali this year in the astonishing amount of work that he’s done – and this trip, of course, with a still ‘broken’ left hand. Johnny has been incredible, too, the amount of work he’s got through – with a chronic back (prolapsed disc) and trapped sciatic nerve… we’ve prayed for them – pray for each other – and these are answers to prayer. The swelling in Thanney’s hand has gone down considerably since arriving – and that despite him having to use it. In cleaning up the building, Johnny has carried so much stuff down four flights of stairs, and been involved in the building jobs that have happened this far…. and his back is less painful than it was in coming here.
Always, when I arrive here, my amazing friend Wilmar has organised a good number of churches for the teams to be involved with, along with dear friend Pastor William Castaño – always a few gaps in the programme, which take no time at all in filling up! I’m thrilled because Dennis and Cathy, here for 2 of the 3 weeks, have a full schedule pretty much from here on in, including Cathy doing (so far) 2 SOZO seminars in different churches, which has thrilled her to bits. I’m sure there might be more next week, too. Other churches have jumped on board, too, and we’re probably almost at capacity now!

God’s presence – always to me, and invariably to the teams that come here – is so tangible here, and moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, whether in churches, hospitals, or shopping centres, is so easy… We’re looking forward to church tonight – seeing God move big-time in the church ‘Bajo la Union del E.S’ – which I reckon must translate as something like ‘Under the unity of the Holy Spirit’, but I’m open to correction….! A busy weekend ahead, with one of the highlights tomorrow – the wonderful Christian Drug Rehab Centre, ‘Reconocer’, led by my wonderful friend Enrique Leal. Sunday in a fantastic church – Dios con Nosotros (God with Us) – always healings and miracles there, and Rafael, the Pastor, is another wonderful friend.
I’m so grateful, too, for my lovely friend Hein Hoere, who is the translator in these pictures… Hein is a great preacher, apostolic, prophetic, with a healing ministry too, and yet he’s ‘happily humble’ to translate for people like me, when he could do a far better job than I do if he did it himself… there are some lovely translators in the city, and I’m so grateful to God for them. Bless you, Hein!!! He was the first ever translator for me in Cali in 1996, so our friendship goes back a long way!
So, we’re all beginning to run with the horses (Jeremiah 12:5) – I’m praying that I can genuinely run with the horses on these knees before I leave here!! Thank you for your prayers, your interest in the trip, your love, care, and support. If you feel able to help with the shortfall in finance, please email me (, or 9private) message me on Facebook (I’m Paul Bennison on Facebook, unsurprisingly!), or – if you have my phone number in your phone and use WhatsApp, that’s just as good!
God Bless you loads! Thank you for facilitating us in seeing God do wonders here…